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Философия и культура
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В.В. Старовойтов Памяти учителя (о Феохарии Харлампиевиче Кессиди)

Аннотация: This is in memoriam of Feohariy Kessidi, expert in Antique philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, corresponding member of the Athens Academy of Sciences, who died on December 23, 2009. Kessidi’s works on history of Antique philosophy, such as ‘From Myth to Logos’, ‘Ideas and People have certainly been a great contribution to the history of the world culture.

Ключевые слова:

philosophy, culture, antique culture, Greece, Feohariy Harlampievich Kessidi

Abstract: This is in memoriam of Feohariy Kessidi, expert in Antique philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, professor, corresponding member of the Athens Academy of Sciences, who died on December 23, 2009. Kessidi’s works on history of Antique philosophy, such as ‘From Myth to Logos’, ‘Ideas and People have certainly been a great contribution to the history of the world culture.


philosophy, culture, antique culture, Greece, Feohariy Harlampievich Kessidi

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