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Налоги и налогообложение
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Налоговый отдел КПМГ Актуальные разъяснения федеральных органов налоговой администрации и решения судебных инстанций

Аннотация: В обзор, подготовленный специалистами налогового отдела КПМГ, вошли опубликованные за последнее время разъяснения Министерства финансов и Федеральной налоговой службы Российской Федерации по вопросам налогообложения, а также наиболее важные решения высших судебных инстанций.

Ключевые слова:

налог, сбор, ФНС, Минфин, суд, НДС, ЕСН, НДФЛ, прибыль, НДПИ, имущество, пошлина

Abstract: The discussion was based on the main ideas declared at the round-table meeting carried out on October 15, 2009 at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation. The topic of the meeting was mentioned as a ‘replacement of a single social tax by insurance contributions: opinions in business and government. The review described the points of view of the following participants of the meeting: Ekaterina Semenova - member of the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation on Property, Fedor Prokopov – executive director the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs, Shamil Ageev – board chairman of the Chamber of Commerce and Trades in the Republic of Tatarstan, Sergey Afanasiev – director of the Department of Development of Social Insurance and State Policy of Social and Public Health Development, Anton Danilov-Danilian – chairman of the Investment Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, Tatyana Ivanova – editor-in-chief of the ‘Economics and Life’ newspaper, Antonina Katyanina – president of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Belgorod, Sergey Zorin – head of the Committee on Cooperation of Electronic Equipment Producers, Svetlana Kochetkova – record and tax director of ‘AVTOVAZ’ company. The report is prepared by K. Shohova, an expert of the ‘Foros’ analytical team.


tax, levy, insurance, single social tax, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, reform, retirement benefit, fund, budget, discussion.

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