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Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
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А.Т. Гольцов Правосудие с человеческим лицом

Аннотация: Контактная информация автора: Гольцов Андрей Геннадьевич E-mail: foreign1

Abstract: In the article the questions connected with the valuation of the effectiveness of international treaties and norms of international law are considered. The legal analysis of the factors of effectiveness of the international treaties by theoretical and practical criteria is conducted, the author offers recommendations on perfection of the Russian legislation concerning international treaties with the purpose of increasing the efficiency and optimizing the operation of international legal norms in the national legal system of the Russian Federation. The publication is of the interest of the lawyers specializing in international law, teachers of faculty of law of the institutes of higher education, practicing workers interested in the problems of international law. Key words: international treaty; effectiveness; conditions of effectiveness; execution of international treaties; valuation of the effectiveness; norms of international law; basis of effectiveness; aim of international treaty; criteria of effectiveness; interests Contact the author: Phone: 8-499-724-22-71 E-mail: mp

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