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Политика и Общество
Правильная ссылка на статью:
А.В. Батанов
Муниципальная власть: понятийная и функциональная характеристика
// Политика и Общество.
2007. № 4.
С. 17-26.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=53189
А.В. Батанов Муниципальная власть: понятийная и функциональная характеристикаАннотация: The tax system is a rather complicated political, economic and legal matter. Its complicated nature is pre-defined by the nature of its components, and it mirrors the existing political structure of the state, gets pressured by the politically active part of the society (political parties, lobbies, etc.), which, in turn, makes the tax system even more self-contradicting… Abstract: The tax system is a rather complicated political, economic and legal matter. Its complicated nature is pre-defined by the nature of its components, and it mirrors the existing political structure of the state, gets pressured by the politically active part of the society (political parties, lobbies, etc.), which, in turn, makes the tax system even more self-contradicting…
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