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Право и политика
Правильная ссылка на статью:
Д. В. Грибанов
Аспекты понятия инноваций в экономике и праве
// Право и политика.
2010. № 12.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=51409
Д. В. Грибанов Аспекты понятия инноваций в экономике и правеАннотация: The article is devoted to the study of the legal contents of the term “innovation”. The author views the correlation of terms “novelty”, “innovation” and “introduction”, analyzes the legislative defi nitions of the term “innovation”. Then he singles out characteristic features of innovations, which are vital for legal regulation and formation of a legal model of innovative development of the society. Ключевые слова: jurisprudence, innovation, novelty, introduction, innovative activity, defi nition, term, law, economics, theory, elementsAbstract: The article is devoted to the study of the legal contents of the term “innovation”. The author views the correlation of terms “novelty”, “innovation” and “introduction”, analyzes the legislative defi nitions of the term “innovation”. Then he singles out characteristic features of innovations, which are vital for legal regulation and formation of a legal model of innovative development of the society. Keywords: jurisprudence, innovation, novelty, introduction, innovative activity, defi nition, term, law, economics, theory, elements
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