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Право и политика
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Д. С. Голубев
Вариативность вовлеченности посредника в процесс урегулирования этнополитического конфликта на примере участия США в мирном процессе на Ближнем Востоке
// Право и политика.
2010. № 12.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=51407
Д. С. Голубев Вариативность вовлеченности посредника в процесс урегулирования этнополитического конфликта на примере участия США в мирном процессе на Ближнем ВостокеАннотация: The article includes analysis of key diplomatic and political steps of the US towards regulation of the Palestine and Israeli conflict, which were taken in last 2 years by Obama Barack. The author shows gradual growth of inclusion into the peace-making process in the Middle East. The Washington managed to bring the parties to direct negotiations on political regulations, which then got stuck due to lack of wish of Tel-Aviv to “freeze” growth of Jewish settlements on occupied territories. Ключевые слова: political science, Palestine, Israel, USA, regulation, Obama, Abbas, Netanyahu, negotiation, mediationAbstract: The article includes analysis of key diplomatic and political steps of the US towards regulation of the Palestine and Israeli conflict, which were taken in last 2 years by Obama Barack. The author shows gradual growth of inclusion into the peace-making process in the Middle East. The Washington managed to bring the parties to direct negotiations on political regulations, which then got stuck due to lack of wish of Tel-Aviv to “freeze” growth of Jewish settlements on occupied territories. Keywords: political science, Palestine, Israel, USA, regulation, Obama, Abbas, Netanyahu, negotiation, mediation
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