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Р.Т. Биктагиров Субъект права как общеправовая категория

Аннотация: Несмотря на ключевое значение понятия «субъект права» для всех отраслей права, оно до сих пор остается сравнительно малоисследованной областью теории права и слабо нормированной частью юриспруденции. Изучению данной категории как общеправовой посвящена данная статья. Ключевые слова: субъект, право, категория, отрасль права, юриспруденция, наука

Abstract: Formation of the institution of marriage contract is recognized by most researches as a normal stage of development of law and contract relations. In spite of various forecasts for the future development of this institution, the right of spouses to conclude such a contract is recognized. While many publications are devoted to spousal contracts in the Russian Federation, the issue itself remains topical, and the lack of unified theoretical position makes resolution of particular disputes in practice rather complicated. This article is devoted to key theoretical issues, which remain unsolved, and practical application of spousal contracts. Keywords: jurisprudence, spousal contract, legal regulation, conclusion, voidance, temporal scope, subjects, contents of spousal contracts, regimes of property, personal non-property rights

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