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Право и политика
Правильная ссылка на статью:
// Право и политика.
2006. № 4.
С. 47-53.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=49941
ВЫСТУПЛЕНИЯ ПО ТЕМЕ: “НОРМЫ И ПРАКТИКА ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ КРИЗИСНЫХ УГРОЗ, ПЛАНЫ ДЕЙСТВИЙ”Аннотация: Claire Arnould is the Plenipotentiary Representative of the General Secretariat on the Issues of National Defense to the Prime-Minister of France. The Secretariat of the Prime-Minister works in cooperation with the services of the President of France and aids the Head of French Goverment in ensuring national defence and security. Her organization deals with strategical studies of methods of cooperation of various government bodies of France. In her speach she mentions key directions of her work, and talks of the “Vigipirate” terrorism fighting plan. Abstract: Claire Arnould is the Plenipotentiary Representative of the General Secretariat on the Issues of National Defense to the Prime-Minister of France. The Secretariat of the Prime-Minister works in cooperation with the services of the President of France and aids the Head of French Goverment in ensuring national defence and security. Her organization deals with strategical studies of methods of cooperation of various government bodies of France. In her speach she mentions key directions of her work, and talks of the “Vigipirate” terrorism fighting plan.
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