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Право и политика
Правильная ссылка на статью:
Саматов О.Ж.
Иностранцы и глобализация. Смирнова Е.С., Проблемы правового статуса иностранцев в условиях глобализации. М., 2003. – 463 с.
// Право и политика.
2005. № 9.
URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=49853
Саматов О.Ж. Иностранцы и глобализация. Смирнова Е.С., Проблемы правового статуса иностранцев в условиях глобализации. М., 2003. – 463 с.Аннотация: One of the key goals for today's Russia is to organize effective control of the legislative branch of state power over law-enforcement. Its topicality is due to the state of crisis in this sphere, which is based on destruction of well-balanced law enforcement structure and control mechanism of Soviet times and creation of a new system, which lacks and effective and adequate control mechanism… Abstract: One of the key goals for today's Russia is to organize effective control of the legislative branch of state power over law-enforcement. Its topicality is due to the state of crisis in this sphere, which is based on destruction of well-balanced law enforcement structure and control mechanism of Soviet times and creation of a new system, which lacks and effective and adequate control mechanism…
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