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Абрамовский А. А. Некоторые особенности формирования советской судебной системы на местах в 1917-1918 гг. (на примере Оренбургской губернии)

Аннотация: Since 1991 people, whose housing was based on social rent contracts, gained the right to make their homes their property (privatize them). At the same time there has always been a problem of de-privatization, when the people, who had earlier privatized an apartment or a house, did not want to have it as their private property anymore. For a long time this issue was not regulated, which caused much complication and interfered with the rights of people. I.A. Sapronova’s article is devoted to the analysis of this issue.

Abstract: Since 1991 people, whose housing was based on social rent contracts, gained the right to make their homes their property (privatize them). At the same time there has always been a problem of de-privatization, when the people, who had earlier privatized an apartment or a house, did not want to have it as their private property anymore. For a long time this issue was not regulated, which caused much complication and interfered with the rights of people. I.A. Sapronova’s article is devoted to the analysis of this issue.

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