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PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal

The Three Sides of Musical Content

Kholopova Valentina Nikolaevna

Doctor of Art History

125009, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Bol'shaya Nikitskaya, 13/6
Other publications by this author








1. Berlioz, H. O podrazhanii v muzyke [On Imitation in Music] //Berlioz H. Izbrannye statyi [Selected Articles]. Moscow, 1956.
2. Glinka, M.I. Literaturnye proizvedeinya i perepiska [Literary Works and Correspondence]. Vol.1, Moscow,1973.
3. Diletsky, N. Ideya grammatiki musikiyskoy. [The Concept of Musical Grammar] Publication, research and commentaries by Vladimir Protopopov. Moscow, 1979.
4. Kirillina, L. Klassicheskiy stil v muzyke XVIII – nachala XIX vekov [The Classical Style in 18th and Early 19th Century Music]. Moscow,1996.
5. Couperin, F. Iskusstvo igry na klavesine [L’Art de Toucher le Clavecin]. Moscow,1973.
6. Metrin, E. “Smeshannye chuvstva” Roberta Shumana [“The Mixed Feelings” of Robert Schumann // Muzykal’noye soderzhaniye: nauka i pedagogika [Musical Content: Scholarship and Pedagogy]. Moscow – Ufa, 2002.
7. Muzykal’naya estetika Zapadnoy Yevropy XVII-XVIII vekov [The Musical Aesthetics of Western Europe in the 17th and 18th Centuries]. Moscow,1971.
8. Nosina V.B. Simvolika muzyki I.S. Baha [The Symbolism of J.S. Bach’s Music]. Moscow, 2004.
9. Odoyevsky V.F. Sochineniya v dvukh tomakh [Works in 2 Volumes]. Vol.1. Moscow,1981.
10. Samvelyan T.E. Polizhanrovost’ v fortepiannykh proizvedeniyakh Shopena [The Poly-Genre Features in Piano Compositions by Chopin]. Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Arts. Moscow, 2000.
11. Tolstoy, L.N. Polnoye sobraniye sochineniy v 22 tomakh [Complete Works in 22 Volumes]. Vol. 22. Diaries from 1895-1910. Moscow,1985.
12. Kholopova, V. Kak nazvat’ 20 vek v muzyke? [How to Label the 20th Century in Music] // Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Ruchyevskaya. K 90-letiyu so dnya rozhdeniya [Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Ruchyevskaya. Towards the 90th Anniversary of Her Birth. St. Petersburg, 2013.
13. Kholopova, V.N. Muzykal’nye emotsii [Musical Emotions]. Moscow, 2010, 2012.
14. Kholopova, V.N. Formy muzykal’nykh proizvedeniy [Form of Musical Compositions]. St. Petersburg, 2013.
15. Kircher A. Musurgia universalis. Roma, 1650.
16. Peirce C.S. Collected Papers. Ed. by C.Hartshorne and P.Weiss, Arthur W.Burks. Vol.1-8. Cambridge –Mass, The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press 1965-1967.
17. Walther J.G. Musicalisches Lexicon, oder musicalische Bibliothec. Leipzig, 1732.