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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Правильная ссылка на статью:

The Russia's 1993 Constitution: the principal advantages and some legal shortcomings

Чиркин Вениамин Евгеньевич

доктор юридических наук

профессор, сектор сравнительного права, Институт государства и права, Российская академия наук

119019, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Знаменка, 10

Chirkin Veniamin Evgen'evich

Doctor of Law

Leading Scientific Associate, Institute of Legislation and Comparative Legal Studies under the Government of the Russian Federation, Professor, department of Comparative Law, Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences

119019, Russia, Moscow, Znamenka Street 10
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Аннотация: On the basis of a comparison of foreign and Russian constitutions the article discusses the legal language of the Russian Constitution. The author especially tackles such questions enshrined in Russian constitution as: the constitutional provisions concerning economic, social, political and spiritual life of the community. However, the article also refers to some shortcomings of the Constitution that was integrated in the text during the adoption of the Constitution in 1993. The main method that uses the author is a comparative one. Other, classical legal methods are also were used during the research. The novelty of the research consist in the research of the value of the Russian Constitution in a comparative approach. Author developed the ideas of how the Russian conception should be modified in order to comply with modern standards of legal language used in contemporary connotations.

Ключевые слова:

Конституция России, Конституции зарубежных стран, сравнительный анализ, юридические преимущества, юридические недостатки, конституционное регулирование, совершенствование, конституция, Российская Федерация, субъект

Abstract: On the basis of a comparison of foreign and Russian constitutions, the article discusses the legal language of the Russian Constitution. The author especially addresses such questions enshrined in Russian constitution as: the constitutional provisions concerning economic, social, political and spiritual life of the community. However, the article also refers to some shortcomings of the Constitution that were integrated in the text during the adoption of the Constitution in 1993. The author primarily uses the comparative scientific method. Classic legal methods are also were used during this research. The novelty of this work consists in the research of the values of the Russian Constitution in a comparative approach. The author developed the ideas of how the Russian concept should be modified in order to comply with modern standards of legal language used in contemporary connotations.  


constitutional regulation, Legal shortcomings, Legal advantages, A comparative analysis, Constitutions of foreign countries, The Russian Constitution, development, constitution, The Russian Federation, subject

1. The Russian newspaper. 2008.17 Nov. P.1
2. In countries of Anglo-Saxon law, although there is a high level of social protection, such rights are not recognized in reference to the fact that the relevant provisions cannot be executed by a court decision (no court will give work to the unemployed, referencing а сonstitutional right to work and won't cure the patient, speaking of a constitutional right to health protection).
3. Gerard P. Les specifités constitutionnelles Russes // L’état et le droit d’est en ouest. Mélanges offerts au professeur Michel Lesage.P.2006.P.27. . Potemkin derévni is a historical myth of ersatz villages that were supposedly built on the orders of Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky (a Favorite of Catherine II) along the route during the Queen's visit in 1787, in the northern Black Sea region is Novorossiju and the Tauride to demonstrate the alleged well-being of farmers during her reign and the role of the Potemkin.
4. State power generated directly or indirectly by the people, is the main form of exercising the power of the people, but the power of the multinational Russian people is provided in other forms (for example, people belong to natural resources, the authority of the people is carried out at different levels of the territorial organization of the State, through the application of national and local referendums, by local government, by mass public events and the pressure of public opinion, causing inogla public authorities adjust their activities etc.
5. Bradley A.W., Ewing K.D. Constitutional and Administrative Law.15th ed. L.2011;; Gicquel J., Gicquel J.-E. Droit constitutionnel et institutions politiques. 25e éd. P.2011.; Katz A. Staatsrecht. Grundkurs im öffentlichen Recht. 18.Aufl. München. 2010.
6. In science there are opinions according to which the subjects of the Federation are statel (statesimilar) entities, and their power is a public statesimilar power.
7. The Russian newspaper. 2014. 30 May.P.17
1. The Russian newspaper. 2008.17 Nov. P.1
2. In countries of Anglo-Saxon law, although there is a high level of social protection, such rights are not recognized in reference to the fact that the relevant provisions cannot be executed by a court decision (no court will give work to the unemployed, referencing a sonstitutional right to work and won't cure the patient, speaking of a constitutional right to health protection).
3. Gerard P. Les specifités constitutionnelles Russes // L’état et le droit d’est en ouest. Mélanges offerts au professeur Michel Lesage.P.2006.P.27. . Potemkin derévni is a historical myth of ersatz villages that were supposedly built on the orders of Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky (a Favorite of Catherine II) along the route during the Queen's visit in 1787, in the northern Black Sea region is Novorossiju and the Tauride to demonstrate the alleged well-being of farmers during her reign and the role of the Potemkin.
4. State power generated directly or indirectly by the people, is the main form of exercising the power of the people, but the power of the multinational Russian people is provided in other forms (for example, people belong to natural resources, the authority of the people is carried out at different levels of the territorial organization of the State, through the application of national and local referendums, by local government, by mass public events and the pressure of public opinion, causing inogla public authorities adjust their activities etc.
5. Bradley A.W., Ewing K.D. Constitutional and Administrative Law.15th ed. L.2011;; Gicquel J., Gicquel J.-E. Droit constitutionnel et institutions politiques. 25e éd. P.2011.; Katz A. Staatsrecht. Grundkurs im öffentlichen Recht. 18.Aufl. München. 2010.
6. In science there are opinions according to which the subjects of the Federation are statel (statesimilar) entities, and their power is a public statesimilar power.
7. The Russian newspaper. 2014. 30 May.P.17