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PHILHARMONICA. International Music Journal
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Sergei Rachmaninoff’s personal stylized rhythmic formula

Гнилов Борис Геннадьевич

доктор искусствоведения

профессор, заведующий кафедрой теории и истории музыки, Военный институт (военных дирижеров) Военного университета

119330, Россия, г. Москва, ул. Мосфильмовская, 31, кв. 68

Gnilov Boris Gennad'evich

Doctor of Art History

119330, Russia, g. Moscow, ul. Mosfil'movskaya Ulitsa, 31, kv. 68, of. Grabengasse
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Аннотация: The subject of the article is presented by the specific method of fixation of compositional authorship in a musical work. In the annotated article the musical legacy of Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff is researched in the aspect of segregation and individualization in it of certain constant elements of the composer’s musical language, which in an invariant or a somewhat modified way migrate from one musical composition to another. Bearing in mind such personal stylistic emblems of Rachmaninoff as the “Rachmaninoff subdominant” and the Dies Irae motive, the author of the article focuses on a personal specific resource of this composer’s musical rhythm. The article’s methodology is presented as an aggregate of analytic and synthesizing methods fundamental to musical scholarship with a specially active application of comparative procedures. The conclusion that is presented in the annotated article is that Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff is in a certain sense obsessed by the declarative fixation of his compositional authorship, the idea of a ubiquitous implementation of the emblem studies of its individual style. The circumstance that on the rhythmic plane this directedness of the Russian musician appears, in all likelihood, even more explicitly and insistently than in harmony and melody, is seen as extraordinary. The novelty of the article is that it contains information about a previously unknown stylistic rhythmic emblem of Rachmaninoff, discovered during the course of research, one that spans and permeates through his mcompositions that are the most representative in the repertoire.

Ключевые слова:

Rachmaninoff, musical style, musical language, rhythm, stylistic constants, symbols, emblems, the Rachmaninoff rhythmic formula, fixation of compositional authorship, musical phenomen

1. Andreyev, N.V. Proshchal’nye “Tantsy” Sergeya Rahmaninova: v poiskakh nerazgadannykh smyslov [The Departing “Dances” of Sergei Rachmaninoff: in Search for Unsolved Meanings] // Aktualnye problem kultury, iskusstva i khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya: sbornik nauchnykh traktatov [Relevant Issues of Culture, Art and Artistic Education: a Compilation of Scholarly Treatises] / Editor-in-Chief: B.P. Khavtorin; Compiler and Scholarly Editor: V.A. Loginova. – Orenburg: Orenburg State L. and M. Rostropovich Institute for the Artst. Issue 9. – 2011 – p.186-197.
2. Bryantseva, V. S.V. Rahmaninov [Sergei Rachmaninoff]. – Moscow: Sovetsky kompozitor, 1976.
3. Grekova, T.N., Nagibina N.L. Skryabin i Rahmaninov: dva psihotipa – dva stilya [Scriabin and Rachmaninoff: Two Psychological Types – Two Styles // Psihologia i iskusstvoznanie. Issledovaniye tvorchestvo i tvorcheskoy lichnosti: material mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii (Psychology and Art Studies. Research of Art Works and the Artistic Personality. Materials of an International Conference) / Moscow Institute for Psychoanalysis; International Institute of Differential Psychology. – Moscow, Berlin, 2012. – p. 35-45.
4. Keldysh, Yu. Rahmaninov i yego vremya [Rachmaninoff and His Time] – Moscow, 1973.
5. Mikheyeva, M.V. Arhiv S.V. Rahmaninova v Peterburge kak istochnik izucheniya tvorchestva i biografii kompozitora [Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Archive in St. Petersburg as a Source for Study of the Composer’s Music and Biography]. – Ivanovka: Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Museum-Mansion “Ivanovka,” 2012.
6. Nikitin, B.S. Sergei Rahmaninov: dve zhizni [Sergei Rachmaninoff: Two Lives] – Moscow: Klassika-XXI, 2009.
7. Prudnikova, O.A. Etyudy-kartiny v tvorchestve S.V. Rahmaninova [The Etudes-Tableaux in the Musical Legacy of Sergei Rachmaninoff] // Kultura-iskusstvo-obrazovanie: vektory preobrazovaniya (materialy 34-oy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii professorsko-prepodavatel’skogo sostava akademii, Chelyabinsk, 8 fevralya 2013) [Culture-Art-Education: Vectors of Transformation (Materials from the 34th Scholarly-Practical Conference of the Faculty Members and Professors of the Academy) – Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and the Arts, 2013. – p. 301–306.
8. Rakhimova, D.A, Orientalizm v muzyke S.V. Rahmaninova [Oriental Exoticism in the Music of Sergei Rachmaninoff] Thesis for Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Arts / Russian State Pedagogical A.I. Herzen University. – St. Petersburg, 2011.
9. Samsonova, T.P. Filosof I.A, Ilyin i kompozitor S.V. Rahmaninov: sovremenniki predrevolyutsionnoy Rossii [Philosopher Ivan Ilyin and Composer Sergei Rachmaninoff: Contemporaries in Pre-Revolutionary Russia] // 17th Tsarskoye Selo Conference: Materials from the International Scholarly Conference on April 23-24, 2013. / General Editor of V.N. Skvortsov. – St. Petersburg Leningrad State A.S. Pushkin University, 2013. – Vol. I. – p. 247–251.
10. Sokolova, G. Poetika simfonicheskogo tvorchestva S. Rahmaninova v yazykovoy sisteme simvolizma [The Poetics of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Music in the Lingual System of Symbolism] // Tvorchestvo i intellect: interaktivny kontekst (materialy 39-oy nauchno-tvorcheskoy konferentsii aspirantov i studentov, 6-22 aprelya, 2010) [Creativity and Intellect: an Interactive Context (Materials from the 38th Scholarly-Creative Conference of Students and Post-Graduate Students, April 6-22, 2010) / Edited by S.V. Solovyova. – Samara: Samara State Academyfor Culture and the Arts, 2012. – p. 266–271.
11. Khannanov, I.D. Muzyka Sergeya Rahmaninova: sem’ muzykal’no-teoreticheskikh etyudov. – Moscow: Kompozitor, 2011.
12. Khizhnyakova, A.A. Novaya khudozhestvennaya ideya v “Simfonicheskikh tantsakh” S.V. Rahmaninova i A.Ya. Eshpaya [The New Artistic Idea in the “Symphonic Dances” by Sergei Rachmaninoff and Andrei Eshpai] // Aktual’nye problemy kultury, iskusstva i khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Relevant Problems of Culture, Art and Artistic Education: a Compilation of Scholarly Works / Editor-in-Chief B.P. Khavtorin; Compiler and Scholarly Editor V.A. Loginova. – Orenburg: Orenburg State L. and M. Rostropovich Institute for the Arts. – Issue 9. – 2011. – p. 171–174.
13. D’Antoni C.A. Dinamica rappresentativa del ‘suono-parola’ – La ‘drammaturgia compressa’ delle Romanze di Rachmaninov. – Roma, 2009.
14. Harrison M. Rachmaninoff: Life, Works, Recordings. – London; New York: Continuum, cop. 2005.
1. Andreyev, N.V. Proshchal’nye “Tantsy” Sergeya Rahmaninova: v poiskakh nerazgadannykh smyslov [The Departing “Dances” of Sergei Rachmaninoff: in Search for Unsolved Meanings] // Aktualnye problem kultury, iskusstva i khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya: sbornik nauchnykh traktatov [Relevant Issues of Culture, Art and Artistic Education: a Compilation of Scholarly Treatises] / Editor-in-Chief: B.P. Khavtorin; Compiler and Scholarly Editor: V.A. Loginova. – Orenburg: Orenburg State L. and M. Rostropovich Institute for the Artst. Issue 9. – 2011 – p.186-197.
2. Bryantseva, V. S.V. Rahmaninov [Sergei Rachmaninoff]. – Moscow: Sovetsky kompozitor, 1976.
3. Grekova, T.N., Nagibina N.L. Skryabin i Rahmaninov: dva psihotipa – dva stilya [Scriabin and Rachmaninoff: Two Psychological Types – Two Styles // Psihologia i iskusstvoznanie. Issledovaniye tvorchestvo i tvorcheskoy lichnosti: material mezhdunarodnoy konferentsii (Psychology and Art Studies. Research of Art Works and the Artistic Personality. Materials of an International Conference) / Moscow Institute for Psychoanalysis; International Institute of Differential Psychology. – Moscow, Berlin, 2012. – p. 35-45.
4. Keldysh, Yu. Rahmaninov i yego vremya [Rachmaninoff and His Time] – Moscow, 1973.
5. Mikheyeva, M.V. Arhiv S.V. Rahmaninova v Peterburge kak istochnik izucheniya tvorchestva i biografii kompozitora [Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Archive in St. Petersburg as a Source for Study of the Composer’s Music and Biography]. – Ivanovka: Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Museum-Mansion “Ivanovka,” 2012.
6. Nikitin, B.S. Sergei Rahmaninov: dve zhizni [Sergei Rachmaninoff: Two Lives] – Moscow: Klassika-XXI, 2009.
7. Prudnikova, O.A. Etyudy-kartiny v tvorchestve S.V. Rahmaninova [The Etudes-Tableaux in the Musical Legacy of Sergei Rachmaninoff] // Kultura-iskusstvo-obrazovanie: vektory preobrazovaniya (materialy 34-oy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii professorsko-prepodavatel’skogo sostava akademii, Chelyabinsk, 8 fevralya 2013) [Culture-Art-Education: Vectors of Transformation (Materials from the 34th Scholarly-Practical Conference of the Faculty Members and Professors of the Academy) – Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk State Academy of Culture and the Arts, 2013. – p. 301–306.
8. Rakhimova, D.A, Orientalizm v muzyke S.V. Rahmaninova [Oriental Exoticism in the Music of Sergei Rachmaninoff] Thesis for Dissertation for the Degree of Candidate of Arts / Russian State Pedagogical A.I. Herzen University. – St. Petersburg, 2011.
9. Samsonova, T.P. Filosof I.A, Ilyin i kompozitor S.V. Rahmaninov: sovremenniki predrevolyutsionnoy Rossii [Philosopher Ivan Ilyin and Composer Sergei Rachmaninoff: Contemporaries in Pre-Revolutionary Russia] // 17th Tsarskoye Selo Conference: Materials from the International Scholarly Conference on April 23-24, 2013. / General Editor of V.N. Skvortsov. – St. Petersburg Leningrad State A.S. Pushkin University, 2013. – Vol. I. – p. 247–251.
10. Sokolova, G. Poetika simfonicheskogo tvorchestva S. Rahmaninova v yazykovoy sisteme simvolizma [The Poetics of Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Symphonic Music in the Lingual System of Symbolism] // Tvorchestvo i intellect: interaktivny kontekst (materialy 39-oy nauchno-tvorcheskoy konferentsii aspirantov i studentov, 6-22 aprelya, 2010) [Creativity and Intellect: an Interactive Context (Materials from the 38th Scholarly-Creative Conference of Students and Post-Graduate Students, April 6-22, 2010) / Edited by S.V. Solovyova. – Samara: Samara State Academyfor Culture and the Arts, 2012. – p. 266–271.
11. Khannanov, I.D. Muzyka Sergeya Rahmaninova: sem’ muzykal’no-teoreticheskikh etyudov. – Moscow: Kompozitor, 2011.
12. Khizhnyakova, A.A. Novaya khudozhestvennaya ideya v “Simfonicheskikh tantsakh” S.V. Rahmaninova i A.Ya. Eshpaya [The New Artistic Idea in the “Symphonic Dances” by Sergei Rachmaninoff and Andrei Eshpai] // Aktual’nye problemy kultury, iskusstva i khudozhestvennogo obrazovaniya: sbornik nauchnykh trudov [Relevant Problems of Culture, Art and Artistic Education: a Compilation of Scholarly Works / Editor-in-Chief B.P. Khavtorin; Compiler and Scholarly Editor V.A. Loginova. – Orenburg: Orenburg State L. and M. Rostropovich Institute for the Arts. – Issue 9. – 2011. – p. 171–174.
13. D’Antoni C.A. Dinamica rappresentativa del ‘suono-parola’ – La ‘drammaturgia compressa’ delle Romanze di Rachmaninov. – Roma, 2009.
14. Harrison M. Rachmaninoff: Life, Works, Recordings. – London; New York: Continuum, cop. 2005.