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70 лет – академику Российской академии наук, члену Президиума РАН, ректору Московской государственной юридической академии Олегу Емельяновичу Кутафину

Аннотация: Evaluative terms have been existing throughout the history of various legal systems. This analysis of historical and modern material and comparative legal studies allow to show the obvious tendency to broader use of evaluative terms in civil law norms. This tendency can, for example, be seen in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which at times also provides for additional criteria to limit the discretion…

Abstract: Evaluative terms have been existing throughout the history of various legal systems. This analysis of historical and modern material and comparative legal studies allow to show the obvious tendency to broader use of evaluative terms in civil law norms. This tendency can, for example, be seen in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, which at times also provides for additional criteria to limit the discretion…

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