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Культура и искусство
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Ю. А. Голубицкий Художественная метафора как пространство социокультурной аналитики

Аннотация: статья, исследуя повышенный интерес к живописи малых голландцев со стороны советского общества первых послевоенных лет, вскрывает причину латентной тяги к буржуазности у поколения победителей. В ней проанализирован феномен советского мещанства как гносеологического фактора диссиденства в СССР. Представлена в качестве социального индикатора художественная метафора.

Ключевые слова:

культурология, метафора, литература, живопись, социология, лексикон, аналогия, статистика, промысел, доход.

Abstract: This article is an attempt to describe some phenomena typical for formation of the Russian humanitarian science. The author narrows done the epoch from the ‘thaw’ to the break-up of the USSR to the two great philosophers Mikhail Bakhtin and Gyorgy Lucacs. While Bakhtin’s ideas back in those times gave a perspective for development of art and cultural studies and therefore were very popular, it took longer time for Lucacs’ ideas to be recognized by the Russians. It is explained by the fact that throughout his creative path Lucacs was becoming a successive Marxist and interest in Marxism weakened after the catastrophic fall of communism in Russia. A good example of Lucacs’ Marxist esthetics is his late fundamental work on esthetics which is being republished now. However, Lucacs’ ideas did have a rational kernel and lately many researchers have realized it and have been addressing again and again to his philosophy and esthetics. Despite all the difference in methodological approaches of these two philosophers, the author of the article manages to fi nd what they had in common.


cultural studies, anthropomorphism; desanthropomorphism, esthetics, dialogue, humanity, crisis of a novel, classical esthetics, non-classical esthetics, sacral, Aristotle’s tradition, Plato’s tradition, avant-garde in art, dehumanization, estrangement, esthetical conscience.

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