Психология высших устремлений
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Энфи А.С. Sublimation psychology: Essence Coding Theory and Sympho-electronic music as tools for deep psychotherapy in art-humanitarian practice // Психология и Психотехника. 2014. № 2. С.167-172. URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=64034
The article addresses the need for a new direction of psychology known as “sublimation psychology”, prerequisites for the creation of which have emerged in the scientific discoveries of the last decades in the fields of psychoneuroendocrinology, psychoneurology and psychogenetics. In the context of developing sublimation psychology, we have investigated the various properties and characteristics of “Sympho-Electronic Music” (SEM) – a new musical genre, which has a strong essence impact potential. We analyze the advantages of using SEM in the deep-essence psychotherapy of art-humanitarian practice (AHP), based on the implementation of the major principles and fundamental medical and psychological aspects of Essence Coding Theory (ECT). Primarily, the article uses a complex methodological concept, in which the basal toolkit of holistic meta-heuristic ECT doctrine takes a central, key position. We show a fundamental difference of sublimation psychology from all other areas of psychology, expressed by its explicit focus on the scope of various ethical attributions and aesthetic competencies implemented in AHP. In the context of developing various aspects of AHP, we introduce new concepts, such as “essence code”, “essence psycho-neuroendocrine status”, “essence R-E neuroprocessing”, “essence genome-hormonal reception”, “essence transmutation”, “vital information system”, “ethical levels”, “passionary-evolutionary ethics”, “sublimation aesthetics”, “exo-psychological control”, “dormant genomic programs”, “matrix of essence standards”, “detector of essence errors”, “code of spiritual rank”, “aesthetic-sublimation insight”, “immortalization index”, “noematic theurgy” and others.We have identified reasons for which the psychotechnics of art-humanitarian practice should use music created with digital technology, and especially the music of the pioneering genre SEM, closely associated with such new musicological concepts as “timbre-keeping”, “emotive typology of timbre”, “class of organs”,“sympho-electronic organ”, “sonoristic analysis”, “sonoristic matrix”, “sonoristic bench mark”, “sacral acoustics”, “coding-numeric score”, “coding-numeric aesthetics”, etc.
Ключевые слова:
passionary-evolutionary ethics, noematic theurgy, aesthetic-sublimation insight, sympho-electronic music, essence coding theory, art-humanitarian practice, sublimation psychology, spiritual rank code, immortalization index, coding-numeric score
The article addresses the need for a new direction of psychology known as “sublimation psychology”,
prerequisites for the creation of which have emerged in the scientific discoveries of the last decades in the fields
of psychoneuroendocrinology, psychoneurology and psychogenetics. In the context of developing sublimation
psychology, we have investigated the various properties and characteristics of “Sympho-Electronic Music” (SEM) —
a new musical genre, which has a strong essence impact potential. We analyze the advantages of using SEM in the deepessence
psychotherapy of art-humanitarian practice (AHP), based on the implementation of the major principles and
fundamental medical and psychological aspects of Essence Coding Theory (ECT). Primarily, the article uses a complex
methodological concept, in which the basal toolkit of holistic meta-heuristic ECT doctrine takes a central, key position. We
show a fundamental difference of sublimation psychology from all other areas of psychology, expressed by its explicit focus
on the scope of various ethical attributions and aesthetic competencies implemented in AHP. In the context of developing
various aspects of AHP, we introduce new concepts, such as “essence code”, “essence psycho-neuroendocrine status”,
“essence R-E neuroprocessing”, “essence genome-hormonal reception”, “essence transmutation”, “vital information
system”, “ethical levels”, “passionary-evolutionary ethics”, “sublimation aesthetics”, “exo-psychological control”, “dormant
genomic programs”, “matrix of essence standards”, “detector of essence errors”, “code of spiritual rank”, “aestheticsublimation
insight”, “immortalization index”, “noematic theurgy” and others. We have identified reasons for which the
psychotechnics of art-humanitarian practice should use music created with digital technology, and especially the music
of the pioneering genre SEM, closely associated with such new musicological concepts as “timbrekeeping”, “emotive
typology of timbre”, “class of organs”,“sympho-electronic organ”, “sonoristic analysis”, “sonoristic matrix”, “sonoristic
bench mark”, “sacral acoustics”, “coding-numeric score”, “coding-numeric aesthetics”, etc.
passionary-evolutionary ethics, noematic theurgy, aesthetic-sublimation insight, sympho-electronic music, essence coding theory, art-humanitarian practice, sublimation psychology, spiritual rank code, immortalization index, coding-numeric score.