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I.K. Asadullaev.
Totem the Donkey. A hypothesis About Unification of Aryan Clans and Tribes is Confirmed?
// SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. – 2013. – № 2.
– С. 102-113.
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Аннотация: The oldest totem–donkey appeared at the earliest stage of mankind and was used by the ancient Iranian peoples, who, perhaps, through the way of unions of other clans and tribes handed down to them the conception and name of their god-totem–donkey many thousands of years ago, before Avesta, which possesses a cult of the donkey. It was these clans and tribes who admitted the name of the forebears of Iranian peoples — Aryas. Inconsiderable and various differences of the stable term «khar» (donkey) acquired a sacred meaning. There couldn\’t be a casual double coincidence in phonetics and semantics: aryas, Kharu Artovskiy, Khaara Berezaiti, kharsang, khargush, Kharris, charisma, Kharri Krishna, Kharon and Kharits, Kharishchandra, Khovar, Khuroson, Khorazm, Khurshed, Khvarna, Kharob, Akhura Mazda and Ankhra-Manyu and the others mean superhuman, sacred, immense, supernatural. This hypothesis is confirmed by the archeological excavations of the regal burial of a donkey in Margian civilization, conducted by Sarianidi V. I.
Ключевые слова: Totem, Khara Berezaiti, Bukhara, Khorog, Khari-Krishna, Kharikhara, Khvarna, Khurshed, Kharishchandra, Arian.
№ 26008 of August 7, 2012 г. Source – Moscowski Komsomolets. Internet address of the article-http://www.centrasia.ru/newsA.php?st=1344407820
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