Правильная ссылка на статью:
Kalugina, K.V. (2024). On the Issue of Teaching Foreign Languages in Non-Linguistic Educational Institutions. Modern Education, 4, 1–8DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.69541
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Nowadays, learning foreign languages is an important aspect of modern human life. This article discusses methods of effective teaching of a foreign language in non-linguistic educational institutions. The author studies methods of learning foreign languages in non-linguistic educational institutions. When researching the topic, many questions arose: Is there a relationship between mastering a foreign language and the teacher's attitude to the discipline being taught? What factors influence the learning of foreign languages? Is it possible to form an interest in a subject through curiosity in the learning process? How can students be motivated to learn a foreign language in non-linguistic institutions? The main task was to find ways to solve the problem of educational material development in the absence of interest in the subject. To implement it, theoretical aspects, statistics of foreign language learning among first and second-year students of a non-linguistic educational institution based on a questionnaire, and practical methods of mastering foreign language material were used. The results were expected: Students are partially involved in the language environment due to ignorance of grammatical basics and their application in practice, misunderstanding of foreign language speech when using audio-linguistic means of communication, and, as a result, the inability to build monological and dialogical speech. Based on the survey data, it can be concluded that most students are focused on learning a foreign language, which is necessary in the future. Naturally, a conscious interest and incentive would be comfortable conditions for productive language learning, but this is more a utopia than fertile ground for students of non-core specialties. In this regard, there are questions about learning and teaching foreign languages. The primary condition in learning a foreign language is motivation.
Ключевые слова:
interest, speech, technology, approach, anxiety, motivation, method, non-profile, teaching, foreign language
Правильная ссылка на статью:
Makarova, V.V. (2024). The Process of Forming a Translator's Linguistic and Cultural Competence. Modern Education, 4, 9–23DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.71476
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Результаты процедуры окончательного рецензирования статьи:
Abstract: The subject of this research is the basics of the general theory of translation, the theoretical foundations of written and oral translation, and the methodology of teaching a translator through the prism of forming their linguistic and cultural competence. Thus, a translator's linguistic and cultural competencies are fundamentally necessary to ensure interlanguage and intercultural correspondence are embodied through the text and allow for the comparison of the national cultural characteristics of the communicants. Linguistic and regional expertise presuppose, on the one hand, that the translator has regional background knowledge, based on which a specifically reproduced lexical unit is associated with the same information that a native speaker presents. On the other hand, linguistic and cultural competencies cannot be studied without a translator's personality, which allows for more complete intercultural cooperation between multilingual communicants. The main methods used in the research process were the dialectical method, which made it possible to identify the features of the formation of the translator's linguistic and cultural competence, and a systematic approach based on which linguistic and cultural competencies were considered through the prism of linguistic, technical, and communicative elements. The study's main conclusions are that, on the one hand, this type of translator's competence includes their professional qualities, translation practice in a real environment, and a policy of continuous training in interpretation and translation. On the other hand, personal and communicative qualities and openness to new knowledge are fundamental to understanding the native language. According to the study results, it is proposed to talk about the following elements that reproduce the linguistic and cultural competencies of the translator—these are linguistic, technical, and communicative competencies, as well as the translator's perception of their place in the translation being performed. In the first case, it means a set of idioms, phraseological units, connotative and background vocabulary. The second is an accumulated information reserve of at least the third degree, ensuring the completeness of linguistic and background knowledge in the source and translating languages. Thirdly, the ability to edit the translation depends on the communicants' pre-information reserves. Finally, the translator's understanding of their place in the translation chain is associated with the adapted translation not only of linguistic units from native speakers but also of the cultural and national connotations implied by them.
Ключевые слова:
specific translation skills, background vocabulary, translations by ear, personal qualities of a translator, general translation skills, connotative vocabulary, background knowledge, visual translations, written translation, linguistic and cultural competences of a translator
Spiritual and moral search
Правильная ссылка на статью:
Sedykh, N.S. (2024). Exploring Islamic Pedagogical Approaches to Countering Radicalism within Muslim Communities. Modern Education, 4, 24–40DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.69500
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Результаты процедуры повторного рецензирования статьи:
The research subject is the methods of Islamic pedagogy, promising to solve urgent problems of preventing radicalism in a religious environment. Islamic pedagogy is based on the moral values of religion and, over millennia, has proven its effectiveness in shaping an individual's humanistic worldview, excluding adherence to violent methods for carrying out social and other transformations. In this regard, the methods of education and upbringing used to internalize the values of religious morality, which are designed to become the basis of a young Muslim's worldview, come to the fore. We are talking about active teaching methods based on the interaction of a teacher and students, which are traditional for the Islamic pedagogical system. They have been used for centuries to develop the spiritual and moral sphere of the personality of students of religious and educational organizations, to form value orientations and models of social thinking and behavior based on humanism, striving for the public good for all members of society, regardless of their national and religious affiliation. The primary research method is a case study of teaching methods adopted in Islamic pedagogy from the point of view of the prospects for their application in the prevention of radicalism in a religious environment. The study's main conclusions are, firstly, the need for systematic application in Muslim religious organizations (mosques) of active teaching methods that are promising in influencing the spiritual and moral sphere of youth personality and the prevention of radicalism. This is determined by the fact that modern religious organizations are called upon to solve a number of social functions and work with a youth audience to promote the harmonious development and socialization of the individual based on traditional values. Secondly, it is necessary to create specialized professional development and retraining programs for Muslim religious figures and teachers to develop the methodological competencies that allow them to solve urgent socio-educational, cultural, educational, and educational tasks. Thirdly, it is necessary to create interactive platforms for interaction and exchange of experience of religious figures working with young people aimed at comprehensively developing the spiritual and moral sphere of personality and preventing radicalism.
Ключевые слова:
learning methods, interaction, young people, education, active, training, religious environment, prevention of radicalism, Islamic pedagogy, the spiritual and moral sphere of personality
Effectiveness of training
Правильная ссылка на статью:
Makarova, A. (2024). The Effectiveness of Translator and Foreign Language Teacher Training Systems in Russia: A Focus on Student Motivation. Modern Education, 4, 41–63DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.69225
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The purpose of the study is to identify possible problems and causes of insufficient motivation of students of Moscow International University in the field of linguistics to study foreign languages, as well as to develop ways to eliminate these problems to improve the effectiveness of the training system for translators and teachers of foreign languages in Russia. The following methods were used: individual and group interviews, focus groups using brainstorming, writing creative reasoning essays, questionnaires, analysis of statistical data, and a review of scientific literature. The study's novelty lies in the fact that it allowed the development of recommendations on implementing systemic changes in the organizational work of universities to increase students' motivation to study. The study's results can be used to develop strategic plans for developing education in conditions of international isolation. Based on the results of the study, the following recommendations were developed: 1. Using blended learning opportunities provides flexibility, interactivity, individualization, diversity, and instant feedback. A balance should be maintained between independent work and online consultations, setting aside enough time for students to interact personally with classmates and teachers. 2. It is recommended to set marks based on the results of current academic performance. This provides students with clear goals and feedback, supports active participation in the learning process, and significantly reduces stress levels. 3. It is important to use a ten-point mark system that is simple and clear, offers a broader range of grades, allows for differentiating academic performance levels, and accurately measures knowledge level. 4. The transition to a consistent modular study of disciplines allows you to choose and control learning. 5. Investing in point-to-point construction of dormitories at universities will eliminate most factors that demotivate students: fatigue during long journeys, morning inefficiency, problems with punctuality, loss of time, and limitation of extracurricular interaction.
Ключевые слова:
marking system, building dormitories, blended learning, modular training, higher education, foreign language teacher, translator training, professional training, system effectiveness, motivating training system
Historicism as a principle
Правильная ссылка на статью:
Vaganova, V.M. (2024). The Study of Leadership Development in Schoolchildren in the Late Twentieth Century. Modern Education, 4, 64–72DOI: 10.7256/2454-0676.2024.4.69498
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This article is devoted to studying leadership in the context of the school environment in Russia in the second half of the twentieth century. Special attention is paid to analyzing various aspects of school leadership, including its impact on the educational process, the development of students' personalities, the formation of team spirit, and social responsibility. The article also discusses methods and approaches to developing student leadership skills and the impact of school leadership on public life and success in future careers. The results of the study reveal the importance of school leadership for the formation of values, skills, and qualities necessary for successful social adaptation and professional development of students. The article provides an opportunity to consider the aspect of school leadership in various historical periods of the country's development. The work uses theoretical research methods, such as the analysis of the literature under study, the synthesis of the data obtained, and the method of summarizing information. Scientific novelty: Identification of development patterns of leadership qualities in schoolchildren in the educational process in the second half of the twentieth century in Russia. Leadership is a truly complex social phenomenon. The development of this area is relevant in this period of time. Society and its dynamics present new challenges and form new requirements for a true leader. The ability to manage a group, interact with each of its members, take responsibility, and lead a team to its goal can be called an art. Leadership issues are key to achieving effective work organization. On the one hand, leadership is considered as the presence of a certain set of qualities attributed to those who successfully influence others; on the other hand, leadership is a process of predominantly non-forceful influence in achieving a group's goals. Leadership is a specific type of managerial interaction based on the most practical combination of various power sources and aimed at encouraging people to achieve common goals.
Ключевые слова:
periods of leadership development, lead, development of school leaders, features of the development of leadership studies, features of leadership development, the typology of leadership, the history of leadership development, leadership development, school leadership, leadership