Правильная ссылка на статью:
Т.В. Редникова Поздравление О.Л. Дубовик с 60-летним юбилеем // Право и политика. 2009. № 11. URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=51112
Having studied the results of international discussion on definition of human dignity in law, philosophy, sociology, ethics, medicine due to new achievements of medical technology and techniques. The author casts light on goals and meaning of use of legal approaches to the human dignity for protection of rights of embryos, life, patients’ rights, etc.
Ключевые слова:
jurisprudence, dignity, medicine, embryos, euthanasia, right, individual, transplant, life, technology
Having studied the results of international discussion on definition of human dignity in law, philosophy, sociology, ethics, medicine due to new achievements of medical technology and techniques. The author casts light on goals and meaning of use of legal approaches to the human dignity for protection of rights of embryos, life, patients’ rights, etc.
jurisprudence, dignity, medicine, embryos, euthanasia, right, individual, transplant, life, technology