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Попов Л.Л., Мигачёв Ю.И. Информационное общество: проблемы развития, культуры, экологии и права // LEX RUSSICA (РУССКИЙ ЗАКОН). 2009. № 4. С.824-836. URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=59762
In this article the author surveys the problems connected with passing of
humanity to the information-oriented society which have a new structure where
the main role is taken by the departments which are closely linked with receiving,
spreading and handling the information and that leads to the transformation
of human being. Information and knowledge becomes more significant factors of
production and motive power of economical development and the well-being of
the society.
Information-oriented society is going to replace industrialized society,
and it have some specific features such as in the main new technological way of
reproduction of the whole system of human relations and temper of intercommunication
between human, technics and nature.
This article focuses on the four internal connected fundamental features
of the forming Information-oriented society:
Change of the information and knowledge role in human society which
expressed prima facie in unprecedented increasing informational saturation of
economic, administrating, law enforcement and other activity spheres and transformation
of the information and knowledge to the main source of the socialeconomical
Transformation of the information industry to the most dynamic, profitable
and prestigious productive branch, which provides the leading role of detached
countries and cities in the world economy system.
Origin of advanced market infrastructure of information and informational
services consumption and specifically wide adoption of Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) in different live spheres not only in professional
and domestic at that.
Profound changes in models of social organization and cooperation,
when in all spheres of the society changes of centralized hierarchical structures
to the flexible network types of organization take place, this types of organization
are adept to the rapid sweep and innovative development.
On this ground premises for considerable rise of production efficiency,
economy of the natural resources, environmental protection, passing from stabilization
period to steady development are being created.
This article concludes that in the era of total informatization and creating
of Information-oriented society, united informational space becomes one of the
most stategenerating indication and obligatory term and characteristic of the Information-
oriented society itself.
One of the most objective processes which should be taken into account
by the modern world is globalization, created by explosive development of Information
Technologies, creating of global networks, triumph of market economy,
liberalization of world trade system, transport development. Somehow or other all of this factors leads to the washing out of the political and national borders
and to the acceleration pace of industrialization and unifying of the cultures,
partly at the expense of creating new global conglomerates in information, telecommunication
and leisure spheres. We should bear in mind that globalization
gives not only new opportunities and solutions but it also brings new problems,
such as, financial crisis which should be predicted and considerate in daily activities.
It also concludes that, from the 70s years of the XX century clearly
formed not only planetary scales of industrial society, but the worldwide crisis
also took place and showed up the origin of the humanity global problems. They
revealed itself as an objective factor of development of the modern society in all
regions, touched interests of all humanity and its local dependence could occur
peril to the world society and its future. Difference of the modern situation from
the existing in previous ages is that anthropogenic changes in living milieu have
a negative impact on the human nature, human needs, biological, spiritual and
ecological conditions.
Determination of humanity global problems is possible only in framework
of Information-oriented society.
Ключевые слова:
информационное общество, глобализация, финансово-экономический кризис, информационная среда, государствообразующий признак, информационно-коммуникативные технологии
In this article the author surveys the problems connected with passing of
humanity to the information-oriented society which have a new structure where
the main role is taken by the departments which are closely linked with receiving,
spreading and handling the information and that leads to the transformation
of human being. Information and knowledge becomes more significant factors of
production and motive power of economical development and the well-being of
the society.
Information-oriented society is going to replace industrialized society,
and it have some specific features such as in the main new technological way of
reproduction of the whole system of human relations and temper of intercommunication
between human, technics and nature.
This article focuses on the four internal connected fundamental features
of the forming Information-oriented society:
Change of the information and knowledge role in human society which
expressed prima facie in unprecedented increasing informational saturation of
economic, administrating, law enforcement and other activity spheres and transformation
of the information and knowledge to the main source of the socialeconomical
Transformation of the information industry to the most dynamic, profitable
and prestigious productive branch, which provides the leading role of detached
countries and cities in the world economy system.
Origin of advanced market infrastructure of information and informational
services consumption and specifically wide adoption of Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) in different live spheres not only in professional
and domestic at that.
Profound changes in models of social organization and cooperation,
when in all spheres of the society changes of centralized hierarchical structures
to the flexible network types of organization take place, this types of organization
are adept to the rapid sweep and innovative development.
On this ground premises for considerable rise of production efficiency,
economy of the natural resources, environmental protection, passing from stabilization
period to steady development are being created.
This article concludes that in the era of total informatization and creating
of Information-oriented society, united informational space becomes one of the
most stategenerating indication and obligatory term and characteristic of the Information-
oriented society itself.
One of the most objective processes which should be taken into account
by the modern world is globalization, created by explosive development of Information
Technologies, creating of global networks, triumph of market economy,
liberalization of world trade system, transport development. Somehow or other all of this factors leads to the washing out of the political and national borders
and to the acceleration pace of industrialization and unifying of the cultures,
partly at the expense of creating new global conglomerates in information, telecommunication
and leisure spheres. We should bear in mind that globalization
gives not only new opportunities and solutions but it also brings new problems,
such as, financial crisis which should be predicted and considerate in daily activities.
It also concludes that, from the 70s years of the XX century clearly
formed not only planetary scales of industrial society, but the worldwide crisis
also took place and showed up the origin of the humanity global problems. They
revealed itself as an objective factor of development of the modern society in all
regions, touched interests of all humanity and its local dependence could occur
peril to the world society and its future. Difference of the modern situation from
the existing in previous ages is that anthropogenic changes in living milieu have
a negative impact on the human nature, human needs, biological, spiritual and
ecological conditions.
Determination of humanity global problems is possible only in framework
of Information-oriented society.
informatsionnoe obshchestvo, globalizatsiya, finansovo-ekonomicheskii krizis, informatsionnaya sreda, gosudarstvoobrazuyushchii priznak, informatsionno-kommunikativnye tekhnologii