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Максимов Л.В. Cognitivism and Non-Cognitivism in the Humanities // Философская мысль. 2013. № 11. С.81-101. DOI: 10.7256/2306-0174.2013.11.9532 URL: https://nbpublish.com/library_read_article.php?id=9532
The term ‘cognitivism’, which is key for this book, has been borrowed from metaethics and ‘cognitive sciences’. However, it is used here in a broader meaning: what I have in view is a special methodological approach, according to which mind (spirit, mentality) as a whole and in all its species may be reduced to belief, knowledge and cognition. This approach is manifested, in particular, in the use of epistemological concepts (such as the truth, experience, empirical data, theory, etc.) for the formulation and resolution of value (ethical, aesthetic, legal, etc.) problems. Sharing a generally non-cognitivist position, I at the same time view cognitivism not simply as a ‘mistake’ in the interpretation of mind, but as a paradigmal methodological principle deeply implanted in the sphere of the philosophy and the humanities.
Ключевые слова:
cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism, cognitivist fallacy, cognitive reductionism, knowledge vs. value, paradigm, humanities, philosophy of mind, psychologism vs. anti-psychologism, metaethics, emotivism
The term ‘cognitivism’, which is key for this article, has been borrowed from metaethics and ‘cognitive sciences’. However, it is used here in a broader meaning: what the author has in view is a special methodological approach, according to which mind (spirit, mentality) as a whole and in all its species may be reduced to belief, knowledge and cognition. This approach is manifested, in particular, in the use of epistemological concepts (such as the truth, experience, empirical data, theory, etc.) for the formulation and resolution of value (ethical, aesthetic, legal, etc.) problems. Sharing a generally non-cognitivist position, the author at the same time views cognitivism not simply as a ‘mistake’ in the interpretation of mind, but as a paradigmal methodological principle deeply implanted in the sphere of the philosophy and the humanities.
cognitivism vs. non-cognitivism, cognitivist fallacy, cognitive reductionism, knowledge vs. value, paradigm, humanities, philosophy of mind, psychologism vs. anti-psychologism, metaethics, emotivism