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Саймонс Г..
Communication Management and the Humanitarian War Blueprint: The Libya War
// Конфликтология / nota bene. – 2014. – № 1.
– С. 65-88.
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Аннотация: Communication Management has become a common tool in the arsenal of the West in the context of trying to build the pretext for war, and then controlling the information flows after the fighting has begun. It is an attempt to justify the seemingly unjustifiable, where reason and logic are distorted, and the use of emotion is actively promoted. In the 21st century, its use has come to be common place in the settling of scores and the advancement of national interest in international relations (Pashenstev & Simons, 2009).
Methodological basis of the research is a systematic, structural-functional, comparative political and comparative-historical approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, observation, simulation, expert assessments. Certainly, one may now even speak of a blueprint for going to war being established. This has been gradually shaped and refined by events such as the 1991 Gulf War, 1999 Kosovo War and the 2003 invasion and occupation of Iraq.
Libya gave the opportunity to operationalize the blueprint, which in political terms proved to be successful, in terms of managing the information environment in order to promote a dubious political agenda (going to war against Libya under Gadaffi). The current situation in Syria points to the urgent need to be able to understand and to counter these tactics.
Ключевые слова: Конфликтология, внешняя политика, Ливия, геополитика, Сирия, информационная война, идеология, интересы, ценности, безопасность
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