Ma F., Bulgarova B.A., Chen F., Mondal P. —
Risks and Governance Paths of Generative Artificial Intelligence in Mainstream Media Communication
// Litera. – 2025. – № 1.
– С. 156 - 167.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2025.1.73062
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Аннотация: The rapid development of generative artificial intelligence has allowed humanity to witness significant changes in artificial intelligence technology in terms of capabilities and functionality, and its powerful capacity for self-learning, self-control, and evolution has gradually ushered in a new era of generalized artificial intelligence. At the same time, it also indicates that people will enter into a more complex and risky intellectual system. The gradual and widespread use of generative AI in major media communications opens up great development opportunities for the media sphere, on the one hand, and risky tasks – on the other. The subject of this research is generative artificial intelligence. The object of the research is an in-depth analysis of the risks and management trajectories of generative artificial intelligence in the main media of mass communication. This study used a comprehensive methodology based on the method of literary analysis, observation, as well as the method of forecasting and data comparison. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that the authors analyze the risks associated with generative AI in the mainstream media, namely: data privacy and security, the risk of manipulating public opinion through false information, and the problem of public trust in the media. The authors of the study propose a risk management path in terms of political leadership, regulation and technology, global cooperation and literacy, contributing to the safe, reliable and healthy development of generative AI in the mainstream media. As AI technologies are constantly being transformed, this research is quite promising and makes a scientific contribution to the general analysis and pool of research related to the use of AI in the field of media, risks, danger and ethical issues.
Булгарова Б.А., Чинённая Т.Ю., Зюкина З.С., Козловская Е.С. —
Междисциплинарные цифровые способы исследования политического медиадискурса
// Litera. – 2024. – № 8.
– С. 199 - 211.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.8.71346
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Аннотация: Цифровые способы исследования политического дискурса позволяют расширить спектр данных о статистике и репликации упоминания той или иной проблематики в медиапространстве, популярности лексических единиц либо иного контента, распространенных как посредством средств массовой информации, так и в рядах читательской аудитории с помощью комментариев и постов на страницах личных аккаунтов, как итог, определить специфику репрезентации определенных политических процессов в масс-медиа. Объектом настоящего исследования выступают различные методы и инструменты цифрового изучения политического медиадискурса, а также соответствующее программное обеспечение. Предметом являются результаты контент-анализа политической коммуникации, полученные зарубежными (Я.-М. Эберл, П. Толочко, П. Йост, Т. Хайденрайх, Х.Г. Бумгаарден) и российскими (Е.И. Бегловой и О.Ю. Шмелевой) специалистами. Цель работы – компаративным путем изучения ручного и автоматизированного методов контент-анализа выявить наиболее эффективный способ работы с медиаматериалом. Основным методом исследования в статье послужил комплексный сравнительный анализ проведенных исследований: от ручного контент-анализа до цифрового с применением математических алгоритмов и метода "цифрового следа", теоретический анализ научной литературы по обозначенной проблематике, описательный и сопоставительный методы, интерпретация полученных результатов. Научная новизна статьи состоит в обращении к сравнению разного рода цифровых способов контент-анализа. Выявление их сильных и слабых сторон и перспективы применения цифровых способов контент-анализа в медиаиндустрии в российской науке имеют малоизученный характер и нуждаются в разработке. Новые цифровые методы контент-анализа являются более объективными, оперативными, структурированными, разнообразными и верифицируемыми в отличие от ручных; стремительное развитие технологий искусственного интеллекта вносит свои коррективы в методику анализа политического медиадискурса; междисциплинарные цифровые способы и инструменты исследования политической коммуникации расширяют спектр возможностей корпусного, критического и контент-анализа взаимокорреляции дискурса и власти, тенденций и перспектив политических процессов и действий верховного руководства.
Abstract: Digital methods of political discourse research make it possible to expand the range of data on the statistics and replication of references to a particular issue in media space, the popularity of lexical units or other content disseminated both through the media and among the readership through comments and posts on personal accounts, and, as a result, to determine the specifics of the representation of certain political processes in mass media. The object of this study is various methods and tools of digital study of political media discourse, as well as relevant software. The subject is the results of content analysis of political communication obtained by foreign (J.-M. Eberle, P. Tolochko, P. Jost, T. Heidenreich, H.G. Boomgaarden) and Russian (E.I. Beglova and O.Y. Shmeleva) specialists. The aim of the paper is to identify the most effective way of working with media material by comparative study of manual and automated methods of content analysis. The main method of research in the article was a comprehensive comparative analysis of the conducted studies: from manual content analysis to digital content analysis with the use of mathematical algorithms and the method of ‘digital footprint’, theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the identified problems, descriptive and comparative methods, interpretation of the obtained results. The scientific novelty of the article consists in the comparison of different digital methods of content analysis. The identification of their strengths and weaknesses and the prospects for the application of digital methods of content analysis in the media industry in Russian science are poorly studied and need to be developed. New digital methods of content analysis are more objective, operational, structured, diverse and verifiable, unlike manual ones;the rapid development of artificial intelligence technologies makes its own adjustments to the methodology of analyzing political media discourse.
Bulgarova B.A., Chen F., Ju Y., Chinennaya T.Y. —
Research on the transformation of news media industries in China and Russia in the era of intelligent media
// Litera. – 2024. – № 5.
– С. 79 - 97.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.5.70416
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Аннотация: The subject of this study is the era of smart media, which will have a significant impact on the news media ecosystem. It will lead to another industrial transformation and change in the news industry. The convergence of traditional and new media is made possible by 5G technology, cloud computing and big data technologies. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the pace of media analytics, digitisation and platformisation. In addition, recent years have seen a surge in the development of artificial intelligence, which has been applied to various fields such as military, healthcare, retirement, etc. The development of ChatGPT has been an important signal of intelligent change in the media industry. The news media industry is undergoing a transformation that is already well underway. The research methodology is comprehensive and includes: descriptive method, comparative data analysis, statistical analysis and content analysis. The novelty of the research is the analysis of intellectual media paradigms in China and Russia. The nature of media interaction between the two countries, as well as the trajectory of global innovative technologies are investigated. Trends related to the development of digitalisation and AI in the following areas are described in detail: digitalisation of operations, news production, development of media platforms and AI technologies, and media content digitalisation processes. A prospective analysis is made of the need for international specialists with both humanitarian and technical competences. The digital and intellectual transformation of news media can take the cooperation between the two countries to a new historical level. In addition, media cooperation between China and Russia can help stabilise the world situation and provide a favourable ecological environment for international media.
Tabatabai S., Bulgarova B.A., Kotecha K., Patil S. —
Decoding Iran's meme culture and implications in journalism
// Litera. – 2024. – № 4.
– С. 89 - 96.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.4.70410
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Аннотация: The study of digital humour and meme culture as a complex phenomenon, given the growing consumption and popularity of memes, especially among digital technology speakers, coupled with the scarcity of scholarly attention and research on this topic in Iran, has become increasingly relevant. This article focuses on the complex interplay between memes, culture and technology. By analysing the integral role of humour in Iranian digital culture, the study aims to explore the nature and functions of Iranian meme culture. The analysis shows that Iranian digital humour and meme culture function as a platform for equal opportunities to laugh, challenge established cultural norms and question prevailing ideologies. The research methodology is based on the reproduction of gender conventions and power hierarchies in Iran through internet memes. The methods applied are: content analysis, distributive and comparative. The study also builds on Bakhtin's concept of "chronotope" in multimodal analysis of memes common among Iranian immigrants. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that it makes a valuable contribution to the field of journalism and media studies, highlighting the importance of understanding the role of humour and memes in shaping public perception and navigating complex ideological landscapes, as well as the ways in which memes can be used to disrupt or alter these dynamics. The results of the analysis of Iranian digital humour and memes show that meme culture functions as a means to combat inequalities in power and status. In addition, the study demonstrated the Iranian population's reinterpretation of the immigrant experience, thereby reaffirming and refining their hybrid identity as transnational Iranians. This process unfolds through the recreation of different spatio-temporal configurations within the meme.
Булгарова Б.А., Табатабаи С., Елиас Р., Джума К. —
Формирование научно-аналитических и коммуникативных навыков у студентов-гуманитариев в международном университете (студенты-гуманитарии поколения Z в международном университете)
// Litera. – 2024. – № 2.
– С. 218 - 229.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2024.2.69627
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Аннотация: Сегодня рекрутинговые организации при отборе потенциальных кандидатов на вакантные должности подчеркивают важность наличия у выпускников вузов развитых коммуникативных и научно-аналитических компетенций, которые являются основными составляющими «soft skills» для студентов гуманитарного цикла, в большей степени способствующих формированию профессионализма, чем «hard skills», что обусловлено смещением приоритетов общества в сторону демократизации и гуманизации социально-психологических принципов выполнения должностных обязанностей в рамках профессий типа «человек-человек». Цель данного исследования - определить методы и приемы формирования навыков научно-аналитической и коммуникативной деятельности в международном университете у студентов-гуманитариев. Межкультурная коммуникация в контексте образовательного процесса, с одной стороны, осложняет развитие данных компетенций, с другой – требует совершенствования принципов преподавания в контексте диалогов культур, что детерминирует формирование исследуемых навыков с учетом национально-культурной специфики изучаемого языка и коммуникации того вуза, где проходит обучение иностранный студент. Данные аспекты являются обязательным условием для успешного интегрирования в потенциальную профессиональную среду. Методология исследования: теоретический анализ научной литературы по рассматриваемому вопросу, контент-анализ, описательный и сравнительный методы. Новизна исследования обусловлена современными тенденциями совершенствования «мягких компетенций» представителей всех профессий в гармонии с мировым научным пространством через призму эффективной межкультурной коммуникации. Результаты исследования свидетельствуют о взаимной корреляции научно-аналитических и коммуникативных умений, синтез основных компонентов которых способствует формированию метакогнитивных характеристик студентов. Формирование исследуемых компетенций целесообразно осуществлять через ролевые игры, мемы, ситуационные задачи, коммуникативные профессионально-ориентированные тренинги, метод активного проблемно-ситуационного анализа («case-study»), который является практико-ориентированным методом организации учебного процесса и включает в себя использование навыков научного диспута, стимулирующий и мотивирующий процессы научно-аналитической и коммуникативной деятельности, а также метод лабораторно-практического контроля и самоконтроля (ситуационные задачи).
Abstract: Today, recruiting organizations, when selecting potential candidates for vacant positions, emphasize the importance of university graduates having developed communicative and scientific-analytical competencies, which are the main components of "soft skills" for students of the humanities cycle, more conducive to the formation of professionalism than "hard skills", due to the shift in society's priorities towards democratization and humanization socio-psychological principles of performance of official duties within the framework of professions. The purpose of this study is to identify methods and techniques for the formation of scientific, analytical and communicative skills at the international University among students of humanities. Intercultural communication in the context of the educational process, on the one hand, complicates the development of these competencies, on the other hand, requires improving the principles of teaching in the context of cultural dialogues, which determines the formation of the studied skills, taking into account the national and cultural specifics of the studied language and communication of the university where the foreign student is studying. These aspects are a prerequisite for successful integration into a potential professional environment. Research methodology: theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the issue under consideration, content analysis, descriptive and comparative methods. The novelty of the research is due to modern trends in improving the "soft competencies" of representatives of all professions in harmony with the global scientific space through the prism of effective intercultural communication. The results of the study indicate a mutual correlation of scientific, analytical and communicative skills, the synthesis of the main components of which contributes to the formation of metacognitive characteristics of students. It is advisable to form the studied competencies through role-playing games, memes, situational tasks, communicative professionally oriented trainings, the method of active problem-situational analysis ("case-study")
Bulgarova B.A., Tabatabai S. —
Leveraging the power of internet memes for emotional contagion as effective strategy for environmental communication
// Litera. – 2023. – № 12.
– С. 281 - 305.
DOI: 10.25136/2409-8698.2023.12.69398
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Аннотация: The article aims to address the research gap in the field of environmental communication by integrating the advances in emotional influence sciences to understand the mechanisms and pathways via social media by which emotions impact pro-environmental behavior. This research investigates how environmental communication can integrate research's results to design a more effective communication strategy that leads to environmental actions. Hence, the methodology of the article is an exploratory review of previous research on emotion in crisis and environmental communication, particularly on the role of social media and internet memes in promoting pro-environmental behavior through emotions and emotional influence. The findings are organized into three themes. First, we present the theory of emotional influence as a lens that can shed light on the underlying mechanisms in social media that awaken users' sentiments to modify or rectify their environmental behavior as well as entice their engagement in environmental preservation. Next, the main factors affecting emotional contagion in environmental communication are analyzed. Finally, we examine the empirical evidence of pro-environmental communication strategies that were successful under emotional contagion mechanisms. The article concludes that emotional influence by internet memes is a proper strategy, particularly for new generations, in crisis and environmental communication. This research contributes to science by highlighting the significant role of emotional influence and internet memes in environmental communication, emphasizing their potential to influence public attitudes and behaviors towards environmental issues, and providing a comprehensive understanding of how these factors can be leveraged to design effective communication strategies that lead to environmental actions, offering valuable insights for researchers and practitioners in the field of environmental communication and crisis management.