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Гудалов Н.Н. К вопросу о сходствах политического реализма и постпозитивизма в теории международных отношений

Аннотация: Предметом исследования являются те черты политического реализма в теории международных отношений (ТМО), которые демонстрируют его сходства с постпозитивизмом. Цель работы – выявить и осветить эти сходства, не отрицая, конечно, имеющихся различий. Автор подробно рассматривает логические сходства реализма с постпозитивизмом, их общие философские истоки, связанные с творчеством одних и тех же мыслителей. Исследуются подходы реалистов и постпозитивистов к фундаментальным проблемам политического знания, действительности и ценностей, а также рациональности. Для достижения цели статьи используется метод сравнительного анализа теоретических взглядов реалистов и постпозитивистов. Автор опирается на их классические и современные работы, критические исследования других ученых. Статья вносит новый вклад в исследование существующих сходств между реализмом и постпозитивизмом в ТМО. Эти сходства являются очень глубокими, однако изучены совершенно недостаточно и "нарушают" принятые в ТМО теоретические разграничения. В работе дополнены и обобщены аргументы Николя Гийо, который указал на связи реализма с философией науки Томаса Куна, а также с теми теориями истории, которые подчеркивают историзм, отрицают прогрессизм и рационализм. Автор выявил, что эти связи подтверждают наличие важных сходств между реализмом и постпозитивизмом. Доказано, что для реализма характерно узкое инструментальное понимание рациональности. Постпозитивизм, в свою очередь, еще более ограничивает или отвергает понятие рациональности. Сделан обобщающий вывод о том, что именно такое отношение к рациональности лежит в основе других сходств реализма и постпозитивизма – их акцента на плюрализме и относительности знания, действительности и ценностей в политике. Результаты работы могут быть применены для дальнейшего критического переосмысления исследуемых подходов в ТМО и связей межу ними.

Ключевые слова:

историзм, рационализм, эпистемология, политическая философия, постпозитивизм, политический реализм, теория международных отношений, парадигма, Томас Кун, структурный реализм

Abstract:   The subject of this research is the features of political realism in the history of international relations, which demonstrate its similarities with postpositivism. The goal of this work is to determine and emphasize these similarities, but at the same time considering the differences between them. The author carefully examines the logical resemblances of realism and postpositivism, their common historical origins associated with the creative works of the same thinkers. The article also analyzes the approaches of the realists and positivists towards the fundamental issues of political knowledge, reality, values, as well as rationality. The author conducts a comparative analysis of the theoretical views of the realists and positivists, and bases himself upon their classical and contemporary works, alongside the critical research of other scholars. This work makes a new contribution into the research of the already existing similarities between realism and postpositivism within the theory of international relations. These common features are very deep, however there not enough studied and “violate” the accepted within the theory of international relations theoretical demarcations. The article complements and generalizes the arguments of Nicolas Guillot who pointed out at the correlation between realism with Thomas Kuhn’s philosophy of science, as well as with the theories that emphasize historicism, but deny progressivism and rationalism. The author determines that such connections confirm the existence of the significant similarities between realism and postpositivism. It is proven that for realism it is characteristic to have a narrow instrumental understanding of rationality; while postpositivism, in turn, limits or denies the notion of rationality.  A generalizing conclusion is made that namely such attitude towards rationality lies in the foundation of other similarities between realism ad postpositivism – their accent upon pluralism and relativity of knowledge, reality, and values in politics.  


Thomas Kuhn, paradigm, historicism, rationalism, epistemology, political philosophy, postpositivism, political realism, theory of international relations, structural realism

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1. Кун Т. Структура научных революций. С вводной статьей и дополнениями 1969 г.-М.: Прогресс, 1977. 300 с.
2. Alker H. R. Rediscoveries and Reformulations: Humanistic Methodologies for International Studies.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xviii, 467 p.
3. Ashley R. K. The Poverty of Neorealism // Neorealism and Its Critics / Ed. by R. O. Keohane.-New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.-P. 255-300.
4. Audi R. The Architecture of Reason: The Structure and Substance of Rationality. Pbk. ed.-New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. xvi, 286 p.
5. Bell D. Introduction: Under an Empty Sky-Realism and Political Theory // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 1-25.
6. Bleiker R., Chou M. Nietzsche’s style: on language, knowledge and power in international relations // International Relations Theory and Philosophy: interpretive dialogues / Ed. by C. Moore and C. Farrands. Abingdon: Routledge, 2010. E-book. P. 8-19.
7. Dienstag J. F. Pessimistic Realism and Realistic Pessimism // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 159-176.
8. Emmerich Z. Political Theory and the Realistic Spirit // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 195-218.
9. Fierke K. M. Wittgenstein and international relations theory // International Relations Theory and Philosophy: interpretive dialogues / Ed. by C. Moore and C. Farrands. Abingdon: Routledge, 2010. E-book. P. 83-94.
10. George J. Realist ‘Ethics’, International Relations, and Post-modernism: Thinking Beyond the Egoism-Anarchy Thematic // Millennium .-1995.-Vol. 24.-№ 2.-P. 195-223.
11. Glaser C. L. Rational Theory of International Politics: the logic of competition and cooperation. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010. xiv, 314 p.
12. Guilhot N. Portrait of the realist as a historian: On anti-whiggism in the history of international relations // European Journal of International Relations.-2015.-Vol. 21.-№ 1.-P. 3-26.
13. Guilhot N. The Kuhning of reason: Realism, rationalism, and political decision in IR theory after Thomas Kuhn // Review of International Studies.-2016.-Vol. 42.-Iss. 1.-P. 3-24.
14. Horkheimer M. Eclipse of Reason.-London and New York: Continuum, 2004. First published 1947 by Oxford University Press. vi, 129 p.
15. Jackson P. T. The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations. Philosophy of science and its implications for the study of world politics.-Abingdon: Routledge, 2010. E-book. xiv, 268 p.
16. Jones D. M., Smith M. L. R. Return to reason: reviving political realism in western foreign policy // International Affairs.-2015.-Vol. 91.-№ 5.-P. 933-952.
17. Lebow R. N. The Ancient Greeks and Modern Realism: Ethics, Persuasion, and Power // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 26-40.
18. Molloy S. Hans J. Morgenthau Versus E. H. Carr: Conflicting Conceptions of Ethics in Realism // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 83-104.
19. Morgenthau H. J. Politics among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace. 7th ed. / Revised by K. W. Thompson and W. D. Clinton.-Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2006. First published 1948. 703 p.
20. Morgenthau H. J. Scientific Man vs. Power Politics.-London: Latimer House Limited, 1947. First published 1946 by University of Chicago Press. vi, 207 p.
21. Palan R. P., Blair B. M. On the idealist origins of the realist theory of international relations // Review of International Studies.-1993.-Vol. 19.-№ 4.-P. 385-399.
22. Putnam H. Reason, Truth and History. Reprinted.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. First published 1981. xii, 222 p.
23. Scheuerman W. E. A Theoretical Missed Opportunity? Hans J. Morgenthau as Critical Realist // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 41-62.
24. Shimko K. L. Realism, Neorealism, and American Liberalism // The Review of Politics.-1992.-Vol. 54.-№ 2.-P. 281-301.
25. Spegele R. Towards a More Reflective Political Realism // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 122-142.
26. Steinberger P. J. Rationalism in Politics // American Political Science Review.-2015.-Vol. 109.-№ 4.-P. 750-763.
27. Tjalve V. S. Realism and the Politics of (Dis)Enchantment // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 177-194.
28. Turner S. P. Hans J. Morgenthau and the Legacy of Max Weber // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 63-82.
29. Vasquez J. A. The Power of Power Politics. From Classical Realism to Neotraditionalism.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. First published in printed format 1999. xvi, 452 p.
30. Walker R. B. J. Realism, Change, and International Political Theory // International Studies Quarterly.-1987.-Vol. 31.-№ 1.-P. 65-86.
31. Waltz K. N. Theory of International Politics.-Reading: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1979. 251 p.
1. Kun T. Struktura nauchnykh revolyutsiy. S vvodnoy stat'ey i dopolneniyami 1969 g.-M.: Progress, 1977. 300 s.
2. Alker H. R. Rediscoveries and Reformulations: Humanistic Methodologies for International Studies.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1996. xviii, 467 p.
3. Ashley R. K. The Poverty of Neorealism // Neorealism and Its Critics / Ed. by R. O. Keohane.-New York: Columbia University Press, 1986.-P. 255-300.
4. Audi R. The Architecture of Reason: The Structure and Substance of Rationality. Pbk. ed.-New York: Oxford University Press, 2002. xvi, 286 p.
5. Bell D. Introduction: Under an Empty Sky-Realism and Political Theory // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 1-25.
6. Bleiker R., Chou M. Nietzsche’s style: on language, knowledge and power in international relations // International Relations Theory and Philosophy: interpretive dialogues / Ed. by C. Moore and C. Farrands. Abingdon: Routledge, 2010. E-book. P. 8-19.
7. Dienstag J. F. Pessimistic Realism and Realistic Pessimism // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 159-176.
8. Emmerich Z. Political Theory and the Realistic Spirit // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 195-218.
9. Fierke K. M. Wittgenstein and international relations theory // International Relations Theory and Philosophy: interpretive dialogues / Ed. by C. Moore and C. Farrands. Abingdon: Routledge, 2010. E-book. P. 83-94.
10. George J. Realist ‘Ethics’, International Relations, and Post-modernism: Thinking Beyond the Egoism-Anarchy Thematic // Millennium .-1995.-Vol. 24.-№ 2.-P. 195-223.
11. Glaser C. L. Rational Theory of International Politics: the logic of competition and cooperation. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2010. xiv, 314 p.
12. Guilhot N. Portrait of the realist as a historian: On anti-whiggism in the history of international relations // European Journal of International Relations.-2015.-Vol. 21.-№ 1.-P. 3-26.
13. Guilhot N. The Kuhning of reason: Realism, rationalism, and political decision in IR theory after Thomas Kuhn // Review of International Studies.-2016.-Vol. 42.-Iss. 1.-P. 3-24.
14. Horkheimer M. Eclipse of Reason.-London and New York: Continuum, 2004. First published 1947 by Oxford University Press. vi, 129 p.
15. Jackson P. T. The Conduct of Inquiry in International Relations. Philosophy of science and its implications for the study of world politics.-Abingdon: Routledge, 2010. E-book. xiv, 268 p.
16. Jones D. M., Smith M. L. R. Return to reason: reviving political realism in western foreign policy // International Affairs.-2015.-Vol. 91.-№ 5.-P. 933-952.
17. Lebow R. N. The Ancient Greeks and Modern Realism: Ethics, Persuasion, and Power // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 26-40.
18. Molloy S. Hans J. Morgenthau Versus E. H. Carr: Conflicting Conceptions of Ethics in Realism // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 83-104.
19. Morgenthau H. J. Politics among Nations: The Struggle for Power and Peace. 7th ed. / Revised by K. W. Thompson and W. D. Clinton.-Boston: McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 2006. First published 1948. 703 p.
20. Morgenthau H. J. Scientific Man vs. Power Politics.-London: Latimer House Limited, 1947. First published 1946 by University of Chicago Press. vi, 207 p.
21. Palan R. P., Blair B. M. On the idealist origins of the realist theory of international relations // Review of International Studies.-1993.-Vol. 19.-№ 4.-P. 385-399.
22. Putnam H. Reason, Truth and History. Reprinted.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998. First published 1981. xii, 222 p.
23. Scheuerman W. E. A Theoretical Missed Opportunity? Hans J. Morgenthau as Critical Realist // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 41-62.
24. Shimko K. L. Realism, Neorealism, and American Liberalism // The Review of Politics.-1992.-Vol. 54.-№ 2.-P. 281-301.
25. Spegele R. Towards a More Reflective Political Realism // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 122-142.
26. Steinberger P. J. Rationalism in Politics // American Political Science Review.-2015.-Vol. 109.-№ 4.-P. 750-763.
27. Tjalve V. S. Realism and the Politics of (Dis)Enchantment // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 177-194.
28. Turner S. P. Hans J. Morgenthau and the Legacy of Max Weber // Political Thought and International Relations: Variations on a Realist Theme / Ed. by D. Bell.-Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.-P. 63-82.
29. Vasquez J. A. The Power of Power Politics. From Classical Realism to Neotraditionalism.-Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004. First published in printed format 1999. xvi, 452 p.
30. Walker R. B. J. Realism, Change, and International Political Theory // International Studies Quarterly.-1987.-Vol. 31.-№ 1.-P. 65-86.
31. Waltz K. N. Theory of International Politics.-Reading: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1979. 251 p.