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Gamidullaeva L.A., Vasin S.M. State support for innovative entrepreneurship as a factor of ensuring national security during an economic crisis

Аннотация: The authors have developed a method of evaluating the effectiveness of the system of state support at the regional level, which makes it possible to assess the actual level of management effi ciency in a particular region, and identify existing reserves. Correlation and regression analysis, which gives an opportunity to identify the most important factors that have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of the state support system in the sector. Also proposed correlation and regression models (for example, the model showing the infl uence of the effectiveness of information support for innovative activity of organizations in the region; model showing the infl uence of accessibility of innovative infrastructure on the number of small businesses in the region, per 100,000 inhabitants, and others). Application of this method in the practice of public administration of the small innovative business sector will take into account the infl uence of the qualitative factors in evaluating the effectiveness of the system as a whole.

Ключевые слова:

effectiveness of control, institutional aid, economic sanctions, economic crisis, innovations, small innovative entrepreneurship, methodical approach, assessment of effectiveness, providing national security, state support

Abstract:  The authors have developed a method of evaluating the effectiveness of the system of state support at the regional level, which makes it possible to assess the actual level of management efficiency in a particular region, and identify existing reserves. Correlation and regression analysis, which gives an opportunity to identify the most important factors that have the greatest impact on the effectiveness of the state support system in the sector. Also proposed correlation and regression models (for example, the model showing the influence of the effectiveness of information support for innovative activity of organizations in the region; model showing the influence of accessibility of innovative infrastructure on the number of small businesses in the region, per 100,000 inhabitants, and others). Application of this method in the practice of public administration of the small innovative business sector will take into account the influence of the qualitative factors in evaluating the effectiveness of the system as a whole. 


effectiveness of control, institutional aid, economic sanctions, economic crisis, innovations, small innovative entrepreneurship, methodical approach, assessment of effectiveness, providing national security, state support

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1Stark N. and H. Brown. 1997. Harvesting Hometown Jobs: The New Small Guide to Local Economic Development, The National Center for Small Communities (NCSC), Washington, DC.
2Berger A. N. and Udell, G. F. 1998. "The economics of small business finance: The roles of private equity and debt markets in the financial growth cycle", Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 22 No. 6/8, pp. 613-673.
3Gregory B. T., Rutherford, M. W., Oswald, S. and Gardiner, L. 2005. "An empirical investigation of the growth cycle theory of small firm financing", Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 43 No. 4, pp. 382-392
4Savanovich A.V. (2009). The concept of management of regional infrastructure development of small innovative business. Vestnik Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal, 3: 105-111.
5Garifullina E. F. (2014). Development of human capital as an innovative direction of public policy. Economy, trends and management, 2, 36-43.
6Kalmykova A., Lafitskiy, V., Tereshchenko, L., Edkova, T., et al. 2014. Industrial parks infrastructure innovation. M.: Infra-M Academic Publishing House.
7Lukyanov G.A. and Avanesova, R.F. 2011. Some questions and methodology for evaluating the performance of small businesses in the regional economy. Kant. 2. Retrieved from:
8Gromova N.M., Gromova, N.I. 2006. Foundations of Economic Forecasting. Moscow: Academy of Natural Sciences.
9Dadashov A. et al. 2002. The effectiveness of small business support. Problems of Economics, 7: 109-118.
10Federal State Statistics 2015. Federal State Statistics. Service Innovations. Retrieved from:
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12// Finansy i upravlenie. - 2014. - 3. - C. 31 - 43. DOI: 10.7256/2409-7802.2014.3.13690. URL:
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