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Аристов Е.В. Бедность и конституционные права человека

Аннотация: Предметом исследования является соотношение бедности с правами человека, в том числе с конституционными. Автор рассматривает такие аспекты темы как предположение о том, что бедность является нарушением прав человека; взаимосвязь явления бедности и нарушений прав человека; отрицания прав человека при наличии бедности. Особое внимание уделяется при исследовании проблемы бедности в контексте необходимости обеспечения защиты прав человека; влиянию дискриминации на бедность; взаимосвязи демократии и бедности; участии бедного населения в демократических процессах. Методологическую основу составляют сравнительно-правовой, аналитико-критический методы исследования, а также методы системного подхода и системного анализа. Новизна исследования заключается в определении симптомов бедности и несостоятельности государства благосостояния (социального государства) при реализации социальной политики. Особым вкладом автора в исследование темы является изучение мнения ряда международных политических деятелей и международных организаций относительно взаимосвязанности явления бедности и нарушений прав человека. Основными выводами проведенного исследования являются цель создания государства благосостояния, концепция данного государства и взаимосвязь с ним бедности, демократии и конституционных прав человека.

Ключевые слова:

бедность, права человека, конституционные права человека, аллевиация, редуцирование бедности, ликвидация бедности, дискриминация, государство благосостояния, демократия, социальное благосостояние

Abstract: The subject of this research is the relationship between poverty and human rights, including constitutional. The author examines such aspects as supposition that poverty is the violation of human rights; correlation between the phenomenon of poverty and human rights violations; rejection of human rights in case of poverty. A special attention is given to the poverty in the context of need to ensure the protection of human rights; effect of discrimination upon poverty; interconnection between democracy and poverty; participation of poor population in democratic processes.  Scientific novelty consists in determination of the symptoms of poverty and failure of state of wellbeing (social state) in implementation of social policy. The author’s main contribution into this research is the study of the opinion of a number of international political figures and international organizations with regards to the interrelation between the phenomenon of poverty and violations of human rights. The main conclusion is the goal of creation of wellbeing state, concept of such state and its relation with poverty, democracy, and constitutional human rights.


Poverty, Human rights, Constitutional human rights, Alleviation, Reduction of poverty, Liquidation of poverty, Discrimination, Wellbeing state, Democracy, Social wellbeing

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1. Pogge T. Severe Poverty as a Human Rights Violation // Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Who owes what to the very poor? / Ed. by T. Pogge. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. –406 p. – P. 11–53.
2. Campbell T. Poverty as a Violation of Human Rights: Inhumanity or Injustice? // Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Who owes what to the very poor? / Ed. by T. Pogge. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. – 406 p. – P. 55–74.
3. Freedom from poverty is a human right and not a matter of compassion, say UN leaders /United Nations News Centre //.
4. Speth J.G. Freedom from Poverty: A Fundamental Human Right (Speech presented at the Swedish Development Forum, November 1997) // .
5. Human Rights and Poverty / The Human Right to Freedom from Poverty (The People's Movement for Human Rights Education) // .
6. Poverty Reduction Begins with Children / The United Nations Children’s Fund. – New York:UNICEF,2000.–50 p.
7. Principles and guidelines for a human rights approach to poverty reduction strategies / Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights /. – 49 p.
8. Bradshaw J. The nature of poverty // Introduction to Social Security: Policies, benefits and poverty / Edited by J. Ditch. – New York: Routledge, 2005. – 222 p. – P. 9–29.
9. Spicker P. Poverty and the welfare state: Dispelling the myths. – London, Catalyst: 2002. – 44 p.
10. Kenworthy L. Do Social-Welfare Policies Reduce Poverty? A Cross-National Assessment // Social Forces. – 1999, March. – Vol. 77. – № 3. – P. 1119–1139.
11. Cowen T. Does the Welfare State Help the Poor? // . – 2000. – 27 p.
12. Marx I., Nolan B., Olivera J. The Welfare State and Anti-Poverty Policy in Rich Countries // . – 2014. – 96 p.
13. Bendich A.M. Privacy, Poverty, and the Constitution // California Law Review. – 1966, May. – Vol. 54. – Issue 2. – P. 407–442.
14. Poverty in South Africa: Taming Globalization & Inequalities // .
15. Poverty is the greatest threat to democracy // .
16. Ross M. Is Democracy Good for the Poor? // . – 45 p.
17. Combating poverty and inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics / United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. – Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 2010. – 360 p.
18. Krishna A. Introduction: Poor People and Democracy // Poverty, Participation, and Democracy. A Global Perspective / Ed. by A. Krishna. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. – 208 p. – P. 1–27.
19. Przeworski A. The Poor and the Viability of Democracy // . – 27 p.
1Pogge T. Severe Poverty as a Human Rights Violation // Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Who owes what to the very poor? / Ed. by T. Pogge. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. –406 p. – P. 11–53.
2Campbell T. Poverty as a Violation of Human Rights: Inhumanity or Injustice? // Freedom from Poverty as a Human Right: Who owes what to the very poor? / Ed. by T. Pogge. – Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007. – 406 p. – P. 55–74.
3Freedom from poverty is a human right and not a matter of compassion, say UN leaders /United Nations News Centre //.
4Speth J.G. Freedom from Poverty: A Fundamental Human Right (Speech presented at the Swedish Development Forum, November 1997) // .
5Human Rights and Poverty / The Human Right to Freedom from Poverty (The People's Movement for Human Rights Education) // .
6Poverty Reduction Begins with Children / The United Nations Children’s Fund. – New York:UNICEF,2000.–50 p.
7Principles and guidelines for a human rights approach to poverty reduction strategies / Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights /. – 49 p.
8Bradshaw J. The nature of poverty // Introduction to Social Security: Policies, benefits and poverty / Edited by J. Ditch. – New York: Routledge, 2005. – 222 p. – P. 9–29.
9Spicker P. Poverty and the welfare state: Dispelling the myths. – London, Catalyst: 2002. – 44 p.
10Kenworthy L. Do Social-Welfare Policies Reduce Poverty? A Cross-National Assessment // Social Forces. – 1999, March. – Vol. 77. – № 3. – P. 1119–1139.
11Cowen T. Does the Welfare State Help the Poor? // . – 2000. – 27 p.
12Marx I., Nolan B., Olivera J. The Welfare State and Anti-Poverty Policy in Rich Countries // . – 2014. – 96 p.
13Bendich A.M. Privacy, Poverty, and the Constitution // California Law Review. – 1966, May. – Vol. 54. – Issue 2. – P. 407–442.
14Poverty in South Africa: Taming Globalization & Inequalities // .
15Poverty is the greatest threat to democracy // .
16Ross M. Is Democracy Good for the Poor? // . – 45 p.
17Combating poverty and inequality: Structural Change, Social Policy and Politics / United Nations Research Institute for Social Development. – Geneva: United Nations Research Institute for Social Development, 2010. – 360 p.
18Krishna A. Introduction: Poor People and Democracy // Poverty, Participation, and Democracy. A Global Perspective / Ed. by A. Krishna. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. – 208 p. – P. 1–27.
19Przeworski A. The Poor and the Viability of Democracy // . – 27 p.