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Hunter M. Muslim Australia and the search for a solution in the «War on Terror»

Аннотация: The subject of this study is the Muslim community of Australia and its involvement in the political process, as well as the ideological motivation of the community for supporting radical extremism or, on the other hand, fighting it relentlessly. The article studies the strategies and tactics of the Australian government in their fight against Islamism and terrorism. The author draws attention to the fact that the Muslim community in Australia is quite numerous and tight-knit, and, in many ways, represents a closed community in which the preachers of radical Islam receive wide opportunities for the initiation and recruitment of followers. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. This situation calls for a ‘new international doctrine’ that would include prevention, intervention, and restoration of mentalities to prevent any re-establishment of terrorism under different names and new generations in the future. Modern Australia does not offer the much-needed contribution in this process.The Australian Government’s domestic approach to the ‘War on Terror’ may lead to a much more conservative Australia, and weaken the Australian values of multiculturalism. It may divide Australia rather than unite it. However, the public discussion on this issue may help the Abbott Government win a second term in office.

Ключевые слова:

interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security.

Abstract: The subject of this study is the Muslim community of Australia and its involvement in the political process, as well as the ideological motivation of the community for supporting radical extremism or, on the other hand, fighting it relentlessly. The article studies the strategies and tactics of the Australian government in their fight against Islamism and terrorism. The author draws attention to the fact that the Muslim community in Australia is quite numerous and tight-knit, and, in many ways, represents a closed community in which the preachers of radical Islam receive wide opportunities for the initiation and recruitment of followers. The methodological basis of the research is a systemic, structural and functional, comparative political approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation. This situation calls for a 'new international doctrine' that would include prevention, intervention, and restoration of mentalities to prevent any re-establishment of terrorism under different names and new generations in the future. Modern Australia does not offer the much-needed contribution in this process.The Australian Government's domestic approach to the 'War on Terror' may lead to a much more conservative Australia, and weaken the Australian values of multiculturalism. It may divide Australia rather than unite it. However, the public discussion on this issue may help the Abbott Government win a second term in office.


interests, democracy, color revolutions, hybrid war, state, USA, society, politics, values, security

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2. Karpovich Oleg, Manoilo Andrei. Color Revolutions: Techniques in Breaking Down Modern Political Regimes. / Bloomington: Authorhouse. 2015. ISBN: 9781496970183
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2Karpovich Oleg, Manoilo Andrei. Color Revolutions: Techniques in Breaking Down Modern Political Regimes. / Bloomington: Authorhouse. 2015. ISBN: 9781496970183
3Manoylo A.V. Gibridnye voyny i tsvetnye revolyutsii v mirovoy politike // Pravo i politika. - 2015. - 7. - C. 918 - 929. DOI: 10.7256/1811-9018.2015.7.15832.
4Karpovich O.G. «Revolyutsiya zontikov» v Gonkonge: priznaki tsvetnoy revolyutsii // Politika i Obshchestvo. - 2015. - 4. - C. 543 - 548. DOI: 10.7256/1812-8696.2015.4.13571.