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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Правильная ссылка на статью:

Zamotaev D.Yu. Political Activity of Russia’s Internet Audience on a Regional Level as a Constituent of Civil Society

Аннотация: The goal of this work is the analysis of Russia’s internet audience as a participant in the political communication on a regional level and its attitude towards the activity of the non-governmental public organizations as the important constituents of forming of civil society. The subject off this research includes the following components: 1. Socio-political analysis of the aspects of Russia’s internet audience; 2. The details of the online activity of the responders; 3. The perception of population about the role of non-governmental public organizations in Russia; 4. Classification of the public opinion of the population regarding the role and influence of the non-governmental organizations at the regional level. Selective polling was conducted on the population of the Krasnogorsky District of the Moscow Oblast consisting of 300 people between 20 and 62 years of age, representing the working class. The author emphasizes the need for a wide range of informational forums for a two-way communication at the regional level, and encouragement of citizens to participate in the dialogue, public discussion of the national politics online, and forming of the political culture of the society.

Ключевые слова:

activity, politics, region, non-governmental organizations, civil society, Internet audience, interests, opinion, awareness, participation.

Abstract: The goal of this work is the analysis of Russia’s internet audience as a participant in the political communication on a regional level and its attitude towards the activity of the non-governmental public organizations as the important constituents of forming of civil society. The subject off this research includes the following components: 1. Socio-political analysis of the aspects of Russia’s internet audience; 2. The details of the online activity of the responders; 3. The perception of population about the role of non-governmental public organizations in Russia; 4. Classification of the public opinion of the population regarding the role and influence of the non-governmental organizations at the regional level. Selective polling was conducted on the population of the Krasnogorsky District of the Moscow Oblast consisting of 300 people between 20 and 62 years of age, representing the working class. The author emphasizes the need for a wide range of informational forums for a two-way communication at the regional level, and encouragement of citizens to participate in the dialogue, public discussion of the national politics online, and forming of the political culture of the society.


activity, politics, region, non-governmental organizations, civil society, Internet audience, interests, opinion, awareness, participation

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1Gornyy M.B. Obshchestvennoe uchastie nekommercheskikh organizatsiy // Publichnaya politika-2006. Sbornik statey. / Pod red. A.Yu.Sungurova.-SPb., 2006.
2Krikunov A., Gorepekin V. «Nepravitel'stvennye organizatsii, kak instrument «tsvetnykh revolyutsiy» na postsovetskom prostranstve», 2012. URL:
3Nepravitel'stvennye organizatsii (NPO) v Rossii (data obrashcheniya 03.02.2014).
4Nepravitel'stvennye organizatsii – dvizhushchaya sila «tsvetnykh revolyutsiy».URL: (data obrashcheniya 01.09.2013).
5Minosyan G., Voskanyan A. Zarubezhnye NPO — mekhanizm vliyaniya na vnutrennyuyu politiku v SNG. // «Obozrevatel'», № 3, 2013 g.
6Politika – prityagatel'naya i ottalkivayushchaya // Sayt FOM. [Elektronnyy resurs]. URL: (data obrashcheniya 08.08.2014).
7Issledovanie TsIRKON «Grazhdane otsenivayut mestnoe samoupravlenie» po zakazu Fonda «Institut ekonomiki goroda» (grant US AID),
8Fond «Obshchestvennoe mnenie». Gumanitarnaya entsiklopediya [Elektronnyy resurs] URL: (data obrashcheniya 12.12.2014)
9VTsIOM (data obrashcheniya 18.10.2014).
10Lavrinenko V.N. Metodologicheskoe znachenie teorii sotsial'nykh interesov v issledovanii sovremennykh obshchestvennykh yavleniy // Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie. 2012. №1.