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SENTENTIA. European Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Правильная ссылка на статью:

A.A. Bazhenov, V.G. Chernyatjeva Modern Methods of Estimation of Business Evaluation

Аннотация: The article analyses the problems of the imperfection of the target function of the estimation of business evaluation and modern methods of its carrying out. The influence of a wide range of methodological and legislative factors on the perfection of the methods of the estimation of business evaluation is also under analysis in the work. The peculiar feature of this research is a certain structure including some approaches to the business evaluation. The analysis of the essence of each approach of the estimation of business evaluation is carried out in the article. The authors of the article pay special attention to the application of each approach of the estimation of business evaluation. The effectiveness of the use of various methods of the estimation while business managing and reorganizing is also underlined in the article. The done research draws to the conclusion of the necessity of perfecting modern and inventing new methods of the estimation of business evaluation taking into account the principles of systematic approach and consumption properties of an enterprise. One of the main factors drawn into the focus is the formation of the integrated information area under up-to-date economic circumstances.

Ключевые слова:

business, an enterprise, evaluation (price), a method, profit, management, effectiveness, estimation, a structure, an advantage, profit.

Abstract: The article analyses the problems of the imperfection of the target function of the estimation of business evaluation and modern methods of its carrying out. The influence of a wide range of methodological and legislative factors on the perfection of the methods of the estimation of business evaluation is also under analysis in the work. The peculiar feature of this research is a certain structure including some approaches to the business evaluation. The analysis of the essence of each approach of the estimation of business evaluation is carried out in the article. The authors of the article pay special attention to the application of each approach of the estimation of business evaluation. The effectiveness of the use of various methods of the estimation while business managing and reorganizing is also underlined in the article. The done research draws to the conclusion of the necessity of perfecting modern and inventing new methods of the estimation of business evaluation taking into account the principles of systematic approach and consumption properties of an enterprise. One of the main factors drawn into the focus is the formation of the integrated information area under up-to-date economic circumstances.


business, an enterprise, evaluation (price), a method, profit, management, effectiveness, estimation, a structure, an advantage, profit.

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3. Harrison, David S., 2011. Business Valuation Made Simple: It's all about cash. Strategic Finance. 2:17-23.
4. James R. Hitchner, 2003. Financial valuation: applications and models. By John Wiley & Sons. pp: 6-230.
5. Kosorukova I.V., Sekachev S.A., Shuklina M.A., 2011. Ocenka stoimosti cennyh bumag i biznesa: Uchebnoe posobie pod red. I.V. Kosorukovoy. Moskovskaya finansovo-promyshlennaya academia. pp: 672.
6. Lawrence W., 2010. Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice. The Appraisal Foundation. 4:26-31.
7. Leonard J., 2005. Business Valuation Standards. American Society of Appraisers. 11:6-15.
8. Salmin P.S., Polyaeva O., 2009. Problemy ocenki stoimosti organizacii (na primere OAO "Nizhegorodskiy port"). Ekonomicheskiy analiz: teoriya i praktika. 34: 55-62.
9. Teryuhov V.E., 2010. Sovremenny y podhod k upravleniyu riskami pri ocenke biznesa i platezhesposobnoti zaemschika. Finansy. 3:56-58.
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1. Buloshnikova E., 2011. Model’ diskontirovaniya buduschih denezhnyh potokov ili kapitalizacii dohodov? Konsul’tant. 9: 25-28.
2. Fernandez P., 2007. Company valuation methods. The most common errors in valuations. IESE Business School – University of Navarra. 2:1-30.
3. Harrison, David S., 2011. Business Valuation Made Simple: It's all about cash. Strategic Finance. 2:17-23.
4. James R. Hitchner, 2003. Financial valuation: applications and models. By John Wiley & Sons. pp: 6-230.
5. Kosorukova I.V., Sekachev S.A., Shuklina M.A., 2011. Ocenka stoimosti cennyh bumag i biznesa: Uchebnoe posobie pod red. I.V. Kosorukovoy. Moskovskaya finansovo-promyshlennaya academia. pp: 672.
6. Lawrence W., 2010. Uniform Standards of Appraisal Practice. The Appraisal Foundation. 4:26-31.
7. Leonard J., 2005. Business Valuation Standards. American Society of Appraisers. 11:6-15.
8. Salmin P.S., Polyaeva O., 2009. Problemy ocenki stoimosti organizacii (na primere OAO "Nizhegorodskiy port"). Ekonomicheskiy analiz: teoriya i praktika. 34: 55-62.
9. Teryuhov V.E., 2010. Sovremenny y podhod k upravleniyu riskami pri ocenke biznesa i platezhesposobnoti zaemschika. Finansy. 3:56-58.
10. Zuev D., 2011.Ocenka biznesa dohodnym podhodom: ozhidaniya investor opravdayutsya. Konsul’tant. 13:18-22.