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Культура и искусство
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Малхар Кулкарни Взаимодополняющее развитие языкознания и философии языка в Индии

Аннотация: в статье показано взаимодействие языкознания и философии языка в истории Индии и в процессе создания новейших технологий машинного перевода текстов. Для этой страны характерны многообразие языков и стремительное развитие технологий, применяемых в сфере языкознания, особенно для нужд образования. Автор прослеживает влияние лингво-философской традиции, в особенности идей известного грамматиста Панини (V–IV вв. до н. э.), на современные разработки. Освещены наиболее значительные концепции Панини. Затронуты основные темы философских дискуссий, отражающих развитие науки о языке.

Ключевые слова:

культурология, языкознание, философия, индийская культура, лингвисти- ческое разнообразие, стандартизация, грамматический формализм Панини, метаязык, когни- тивные аспекты языка.

Abstract: The article describes development of language studies and philosophy of language in India as well as their close relation and mutual usage of advantages. India is famous for its language diversity and development of language technology, especially in the sphere of education. The author focuses on how grammatical formalism and meta-language allowed Ancient Indian linguist Panini to explain a great number of linguistic phenomena. The author of the article also touches upon the topic of philosophical discussions that reflect the development of language studies.


cultural studies, language studies, philosophy, Indian culture, linguistic variety, educational environment, standardization, Panini’s grammatical formalism, metalanguage, cognitive aspects.

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1. Bharati A., Chaitanya V., Sangal R.A Natural Language Processing: Pān. inian perspective (Indian Institute of Tech-nology, Kanpur). New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India. 1995.
2. Belvalkar S. K. Systems of Sanskrit Grammar. Reprint, Delhi: Bharatiya Vidya. Prakashan, 1976.
3. Böhtlingk O. Pān. ini’s Grammatik. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1887. Reprint, N.Y., 1971.
4. Cardona G. Pān. ini: a survey of research. Delhi: Motilal Benarsidass, 1976.
5. Cardona G. Recent Researches in Pān. inian studies. Delhi: Motilal Benarsidass,1998.
6. Coward H. and Kunjunni Raja K. Part one : Introduction to the Philosophy of the Grammarians // Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophy. Vol.5. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass and Princeton University Press, 1990. P. 3–97.
7. Iyer S., K.A. Bhartr. hari. A Study of Vākyapadīya in the Light of Ancient Commentaries. Poona: Deccan College Postgraduate Research Institute, 1969, reprint 1997.
8. Kulkarni M. Contribution of Kātyāyana to Pān. inian grammar. Pān. ini to Patañjali: a grammatical march. New Delhi: D. K. Printworld, 2004.
9. Kulkarni M. OmniLinguality (Forthcoming).
10. Kulkarni M., Chaitali D. Word in Cognition. (Forthcoming)
11. Ogawa H. On Bhartr. hari’s notion of Power (śakti) // Bhartr.hari Language: Thought and Reality. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Bhartr. hari / Ed. by M. Chaturvedi. Delhi: Motilal Benarsidass, 2009.
12. Ogawa H. Bhartr. hari on three types of Linguistic Unit-Meaning relations (Forthcoming).
13. Petersen W. On the generalizability of Pān. ini’s Pratyāhāra-Technique to other languages // Proceedings of the 4th Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium / Ed. by G.N. Jha. New Delhi: LNCS, Springer Verlag. 2010. P. 21–38
1. Bharati A., Chaitanya V., Sangal R.A Natural Language Processing: Pān. inian perspective (Indian Institute of Tech-nology, Kanpur). New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India. 1995.
2. Belvalkar S. K. Systems of Sanskrit Grammar. Reprint, Delhi: Bharatiya Vidya. Prakashan, 1976.
3. Böhtlingk O. Pān. ini’s Grammatik. Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlag, 1887. Reprint, N.Y., 1971.
4. Cardona G. Pān. ini: a survey of research. Delhi: Motilal Benarsidass, 1976.
5. Cardona G. Recent Researches in Pān. inian studies. Delhi: Motilal Benarsidass,1998.
6. Coward H. and Kunjunni Raja K. Part one : Introduction to the Philosophy of the Grammarians // Encyclopedia of Indian Philosophy. Vol.5. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass and Princeton University Press, 1990. P. 3–97.
7. Iyer S., K.A. Bhartr. hari. A Study of Vākyapadīya in the Light of Ancient Commentaries. Poona: Deccan College Postgraduate Research Institute, 1969, reprint 1997.
8. Kulkarni M. Contribution of Kātyāyana to Pān. inian grammar. Pān. ini to Patañjali: a grammatical march. New Delhi: D. K. Printworld, 2004.
9. Kulkarni M. OmniLinguality (Forthcoming).
10. Kulkarni M., Chaitali D. Word in Cognition. (Forthcoming)
11. Ogawa H. On Bhartr. hari’s notion of Power (śakti) // Bhartr.hari Language: Thought and Reality. Proceedings of the International Seminar of Bhartr. hari / Ed. by M. Chaturvedi. Delhi: Motilal Benarsidass, 2009.
12. Ogawa H. Bhartr. hari on three types of Linguistic Unit-Meaning relations (Forthcoming).
13. Petersen W. On the generalizability of Pān. ini’s Pratyāhāra-Technique to other languages // Proceedings of the 4th Sanskrit Computational Linguistics Symposium / Ed. by G.N. Jha. New Delhi: LNCS, Springer Verlag. 2010. P. 21–38