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Журнал зарубежного законодательства и сравнительного правоведения / Journal of foreighn legislation and comparative law
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Исполинов А.С. Практика ЕСПЧ в отношении Европейского Союза: некоторые уроки для ЕврАзЭС

Аннотация: Настоящая статья посвящена рассмотрению вопроса о постепенном признании ЕСПЧ своей юрисдикции по отношению к актам и и действиям ЕС. В статье рассматривается история взаимоотношений ЕСПЧ и ЕС, Суда ЕС в этом процессе, а также рассматривается возможность применения этого опыта при разработке документов ЕврАзЭС.

Ключевые слова:

ЕСПЧ, Европейский Союз, права человека, ЕврАзЭС, Суд ЕврАзЭС.

Abstract: This article deals with the issue of the gradual recognition of ECHR jurisdiction in relation to acts and actions, and EU. This article discusses the history of the relationship of the ECHR and the EU Court of Justice in this process, as well as the possibility of using this experience in the development of the EurAsEC documents.


ECHR, the European Union, human rights, the Eurasian Economic Community, EurAsEC Court.

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1. Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail v. the European Communities, [1978], ECHR, (ser A).
2. Scheek L. “The relationship between the European Courts and Integration through human rights”, ZaoRV 65, (2005).
3. Lock T. “The ECJ and ECtHR: the future relationship between the two European courts” // “The Law and practice of international Courts and tribunals”, vol. 8 (2009).
4. Kathrin Kuhnert “Double standards in European human rights protection?” // Utrecht Law Review, vol. 2, №2 b, 2006.
5. Toth A.G. “The European Union and Human Rights: the Way Forward”, Common Market Law Review, vol. 34 (1997), no 3.
6. Olivier de Schutter “The two Europe of human rights: The emerging division of tasks between the Council of Europe and the European union =promoting human rights in Europe”, Columbia Journal of European Law, vol. 14 2007-2208.
7. Dautricourt C. “A Strasbourg perspective on the autonomous development of fundamental rights in EU Law: trends and implications” // Jean Monnet Working Paper 10/10.
8. «Trivial cases undermining European arrest warrants, warns Brussels», Guardian, Sunday 10 April.
9. Vennemann N. “The European Arrest warrant and its human rights implications”, ZaoRV. 2003.
10. C. Heard, Mansell. “The European arrest warrant: the role of judges when human rights are at risk” // New Journal of European criminal law”, vol. 2, № 2, 2011.
11. Amran I., Ramsden M. “EC dawn raids: a human rights’ violation?” The Competition Law Review”, 2008, vol. 5, issue 1.
12. Charlotte Leskinen, “An evaluation of rights of the defense during Antitrust Inspections in the light of the case law of the ECTHR :would the accession of the European Union to the ECHR bring about a significant change?”, Working Paper, IE Law Schooll, No 10-04, April 29,2004.
13. Bronckers M. and Vallery A. “Business as usual after Menarini?” // vvgb_opt.pdf.
14. Alessandra Arcuri, Sara Poli “What price of the Community enforcement of WTO law?” EUI Working Papers, Law 2010/01, Department of Law.
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17. Gráinne de Búrca, The Road Not Taken: The EU as a Global Human Rights Actor, 105 American Journal of international law , vol. 105 No 4.
18. Douglas-Scott S. “A tale of two courts: Luxembourg, Strasbourg and the growing European human rights acquis” // Common Market Law Review, vol 34 2006