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Философия и культура
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П.С. Гуревич Неединственность наличной истории

Аннотация: This is the summary of Konstantin Yusupov’s book ‘Russian Philosophical Culture’. In his book Yusupov tried to show the process of formation of the new philosophy of history and historiography.

Ключевые слова:

philosophy, culture, history, historiography, philosophy of history, symbolism.

Abstract: This is the summary of Konstantin Yusupov’s book ‘Russian Philosophical Culture’. In his book Yusupov tried to show the process of formation of the new philosophy of history and historiography.


philosophy, culture, history, historiography, philosophy of history, symbolism.

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1. Исупов Константин. Русская философская
2. культура / К. Исупов. — Санкт-Петербург,
3. 2010. — 591 с. (тираж 2000 экз.)
1. Isupov Konstantin. Russkaya filosofskaya
2. kul'tura / K. Isupov. — Sankt-Peterburg,
3. 2010. — 591 s. (tirazh 2000 ekz.)